Another Year Older, Pt. 2

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Ember's POV

"Seriously, Ash?" I chuckle as he pulls into the parking lot of a nicer Mexican Restaurant.

"What? I thought you loved Hispanic food.

"I do. You just had me convinced we were going somewhere extremely fancy."

"We can if you want."

"No, this is great. A big ol' burrito sounds like a great birthday dinner."

"Good, I just want you to enjoy the night so let's go eat." He grins, before getting out of the car.

"So, I have a proposal for you, Emmie." Ash is grinning as we wait for our food.

"It's a bit early for that don't you think? It's only been two months since we met." I smirk.

"Put the sass away, Em," He chuckles, "I'm being serious."

"Alright, alright. But you asked for that one."

"Anyway... I was thinking about taking a little trip back home to visit my family this summer, but since other things came up I have postponed the trip until December after the tour. I want you and Pai to come with me. I know it's months away, but I want to plan it over your break from school so you can come and not miss basketball and work. I want to show you where I'm from. What do you say?"

"I say let's get through July and then plan it. I'd love to visit Australia with you, and meet your family. But I have a lot to think about before then." I take a sip of my drink.

"You'll meet my family before then, I promise. They are working on getting a trip out here in the summer. My mum and both my siblings, and maybe my grandparents too. I plan on introducing you to all of them then. Lauren is going to just adore you so much, and I bet my mum and you will become friends instantly." He smirks.

"Ask me again after we finish with the hearing and I'll be more excited. Okay? After I know he can't come after Pai again."

"Okay, I can wait. Hey, when is that trip back to Utah for your friends wedding? I want to make sure my family doesn't come then. So I can go with you." He reaches to take my hand, rubbing the back softly with his thumb.

"I was planning to drive home on June 26th, and drive back to LA on July 6th. Make a full road trip out of it. Spend the weekend doing all the wedding stuff and then spend the 4th of July with my family. I've missed our traditions for it for a few years and don't want to this year too. But if on the off chance you can't come with, I want to be back here for your birthday to spoil you like you've spoiled me this weekend."

"I'll make it work. I want to come with you, I want to meet your family and see where you grew up." He smiles genuinely, moving his arm as the waiter brings us our food.

"I have so many things I want to show you around home. I want to show you my world, my mountains, my waterfall, my house, my friends, my family, just everything." I grin.

"I can't wait. And then in December I'll show you my world in Australia. You can see where I grew up, Mikey's garage where we started all this craziness, everything."

"I'd love that." I smile, turning my attention from him to the plate of food in front of me.

"Hey, I have a question for you, Em." Ash looks back at me after a few minutes of silence as we eat.


"If I wanted to pick Pai up from daycare for you, could I?"

"If I introduce you to her teachers and add you to the approved list. Right now only myself, Patti, and Ron can. Why?"

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