Hand in Hand

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Ember's POV

"Hi, we have an appointment with Dr. Anderson." I smile at the receptionist, Paislee cuddled in my arms, her right arm tucked between our bodies. She refused to wear a jacket today, so her arm is possibly visible, making me nervous.


"Paislee Ellis."

"Alright. We have you checked in. It will be just a couple minutes." She smiles motioning for us to take a seat.


just a heads up.
Pai refused to put
on a jacket today.
I'm keeping her
right side tucked
into me tightly but
I wanted you
warned just in
case someone
sees. She just
wanted her daddy
shirt. You know the
drum one you got
her for San Diego.

it's okay, baby. Try to
keep her arm hidden
but I'll survive if you
don't. Let me know
what the doctor says.

I will. We can't wait
to see you
tomorrow. It can't
come soon enough.

oh I know. I'm counting
down the hours at this
point. I can't wait to
have my girls here with
me soon.

"Paislee." I glance up, tucking my phone away to follow the nurse.

"How are we feeling today, Miss Paislee?" She asks as she leads us back.

"Shy." I chuckle, answering for Pai.

"That's okay. First we are going to check height and weight, so mom please get her to stand on the scale."

I do, Paislee just stands there looking at me quietly until I can pick her back up.

"Alright. We will be in room eight, do we have any concerns about the arm?" The nurse asks as she leads us down the hallway.

"Not really. She's doing well, not on any pain meds anymore, and getting more comfortable using her arm some. So I'm not worried about anything really."

"That is so good to hear. Young amputees seem to either deal with it really, really well, or really, really badly. I'm glad she seems to be dealing with it well."

"She's handling it amazingly. Much better than myself or her dad." I chuckle.

"Good. Dr. Anderson will be in in just a couple minutes to unwrap her arm and give his assessment. Just wait here."

"Thank you." I smile, setting Paislee down as the door closes.

"Mommy, read story?" Pai asks, trying to pull a book from the small container with her one hand.

"Let me help you." I chuckle, the books are crammed in tightly and above her head, she isn't going to get it one handed.

"Thank you, mommy." She smiles, climbing onto the chair beside me and opening the book to look at the pictures.

"Hey, Paislee, you know mommy loves you right? I love you so much, baby girl." I smile watching her, feeling immense gratitude for how well we both came out of this situation.

"I wove mommy too." She giggles.

"And I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry I made choices that caused us both so much pain. I'm sorry that awful man is biologically your dad."

"Dad?" She turns to me grinning, "I miss daddy. Go see daddy soon pwease!!"

"Tomorrow, Princess. We will see daddy tomorrow." I smile, knowing she only thinks of Ashton when I say the word dad. Knowing she doesn't associate the term with Justin at all, it makes me smile.

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