Family and Stuff

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Ashton's POV

"Mum!" I grin as the computer screen changed, my mum's face appearing.

"Ashton, how's my boy?"

"I'm good, but I miss you and the family."

"We miss you too, Ash, how's the new music coming?"

"Great, I'm really excited about it. How's everyone doing at home?"

"Good, Laur and Harry can't wait for our holiday out to visit you. They miss having you around."

"I miss them too. I can't wait to have you guys here, and I can't wait for you to meet Ember."

"I can't wait to meet this girl either, she seems to be doing something to you."

"Oh ya? What?" I chuckle.

"You seem happier partly, I don't know how to explain it exactly. But it's a good thing she's doing to you."

"Ashton!" Lauren suddenly appears over mum's shoulder.

"Hey, sis, how's life going?"

"It's boring and normal. I want to come to LA already."

"Any boys I need to know about and scare off?"

"That's for me to know and you not to. I have to get going actually. Harry will be sad you called after he went to school."

"Hey, stay away from boys, Laur!" I yell at her as she walks off screen.

"Only if you stay away from girls!"

"Hey! You and Em are going to be best friends just wait." I laugh.

"I don't believe she exists, I've only ever seen pictures." Lauren pops back on screen smirking.

"Oh, she's real. Just wait until you get here this summer."

"I'll probably have to, seeing as you don't like to hang out with her when you Skype us."

"She has a full time job, she's busy. But I'll try to make time to Skype you guys with her soon."

"Good, now I really have to go. Love ya, Ash!" She blows a kiss.

"Love you too!"

"Do you know how much I miss your banter? It's hard having my biggest baby clear across the world from home." Mum looks emotional suddenly.

"Mum, it's been years." I chuckle.

"I know, I'm still your mum though. I can still miss you years later. Besides, your whole life seems to be in LA. I worry you'll never come home now."

"Nothing could keep me away from home forever, mum. Hey, when are you guys coming to visit?"

"For your birthday. We booked tickets a couple days ago. We fly in late on the 6th July. Liz and Andy might come out with us too."

"That would be fun to have them around. I'm sure Liz wants to meet Ember too, once the band Mum always the band mum." I chuckle, "That works well for me too. I think Em and I are getting home from her trip that night, We just have to make sure it's before you fly in."

"You're going to meet her family?"

"Yeah. I mean I've met them over Facetime already. Well, most of them, but her friend is getting married and she's got a whole trip planned to visit for that and see family. I'm going with her."

"Sure. You can meet her family but she can't meet yours." Mum rolls her eyes at me.

"Her family is one hour ahead, not eighteen it makes a difference." I chuckle too, "I'll only be meeting them in person a week before you'll be here to meet Em though."

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