Our Little Koala

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Ashton's POV

"Paislee Ann, what is your favorite animal?" I glance back at her from the front seat.

"Dino!" She giggles.

"How about one that is alive today..." I try again.

"Doggy!" She giggles again.

"Okay, you are hardcore failing at this, baby girl." I chuckle.

"She'll see one today and become obsessed, just wait." Ember laughs too.

"I know. I can't wait to watch her get excited about all the animals."

"I can't wait to spend the whole day with just my two favorite people in the world." Emmie grins at me.

"It's really been since we left for Utah in June. We have had people with us everyday since then." I shake my head, trying to wrap my brain around that idea.

"Ash, that was over a month ago! Literally." Em laughs.

"So today is much overdue."

"Very much overdue."

"Hey, Emmie, should we grab her stroller?"

"She won't stay in it, she's going to be running from exhibit to exhibit. It will just be in the way. When she gets tired we can carry her or leave."

"Good point." I finish unbucking Paislee who had insisted dad got her out. "Hold Ashy's hand, okay, baby girl? There are lots of cars and people around.

"Okay! Go see amals?" She grins up at me.

"Lots and lots of animals." I nod.

"Come on!" She giggles, pulling on my hand.

"Hold mommy's hand too, Pai." Ember reaches out as we meet her at the front of the car.

I'm glad we bought tickets online when I see the line at the booth, instead walking straight to the entrance gate.

"Enjoy your day, guys." The attendant smiles as he waves us through quickly.

"Where to first?" Ember asks.

Glancing around I can see there are multiple directions we can head. "Start left and move right?" I shrug.

"As good a plan as any. Come on, Pai. Let's find some animals!" Em grins at her, leading the way down the far right path.

"So cold animals first." I grin as I see the decor change to whites and blues. Leading them towards the first window.

"Whoa!" Paislee runs right up to the glass, watching the penguins diving in and out of the water, she giggles loudly at them.

"I think today is going to be very fun with her." I chuckle, wrapping an arm around Ember while we watch Pai watch the penguins.

"Definitely." She nods, wrapping her arm around my waist as well.

"Alright, Pai, should we find some more animals?" Em calls after letting Paislee watch the penguins for a few minutes.

"More!" Pai runs back and grabs my hand.

"Come here, baby girl. Look, do you see the fox right there?" I lift her up since the fox is on a ledge.

"White Dukie!" She giggles again pointing it out.

"Not exactly." Em laughs, her phone out taking pictures.

"Birdy!" Pai points across the path to another enclosure, so we move on.

The polar bears are sleeping which Paislee found boring, so we move on fairly quickly. Following the path we wind our way past a snow leopard, and some reindeer, before the color of the signs change.

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