Today Has Arrived

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Ember's POV

"I can stay if I need to." Ashton comments again, sitting on the bed while I get dressed.

"And miss soundcheck? Hell no. You can't be in the room anyway, go. Haylee and Annie will be there to support me, and Patti can play with Paislee. And after it's all finally over Sierra, Crystal, Pai, and I will drive to San Diego and meet you there." I chuckle, pulling the blouse over my head.

"But, Ember, this is it. Today he could get some custody back of Paislee. You don't think I should be there for that?"

"Today is the day we win, and he gets nothing. What happened to the Ashton that believed that with every fiber of his being?" I chuckle, walking over to him.

"He ran away. You're stuck with scared shitless Ashton. Sorry."

"Hey, I've been there. But right now, right now I can't not believe we will win. I've done everything in my power to win, and I have to believe that fate, or karma, or whatever you want to call it, will give me this win. Justin has too many wins over me, this one is mine to take."

"Then win it. Please. I need to know my princess Pai is safe and gets to be home with us all the time." He hugs my stomach.

"I will. And you enjoy soundcheck and don't check your phone constantly. Okay? I'll be in San Diego tonight, and I'll have answers." I brush his curls back, kissing his head softly.

"I'm going to go play with Pai for a while. I need some princess time today." He comments.

"Enjoy it. But don't dwell on the idea that things are going to change, because they won't."

"Except her last name?" He smirks from the doorway.

"Hell yes." I grin, getting a little smile out of him.


"How are you so calm, Em?" Annie asks three hours later, sitting beside me outside the courtroom.

"I've done everything I can. I have to look calm and ready, I can't show Justin that he is freaking me out, that's what he wants." I shrug.

"Well, we will both be here waiting the whole time, okay? No matter what." Haylee adds, taking one of my hands in hers, Annie copies her taking my other hand.

"I'm so glad you two came down for this. With Ashton not being able to be here, you're the only others I'd want to have here."

"We are here. And we aren't leaving. If it takes an hour or seven." Haylee reassures me.


"Ember, good to see you today." Paul walks up to us.

"Paul. Good to see you too. How are we feeling about today?"

"Confident. The letters you had sent over are really great. I feel very good about our odds today. Now who are these friends? I was expecting the guys you've brought before."

"They are headed on a work trip today, so my best friend Haylee and my sister Annie came instead. They have lived the whole relationship with Justin with me. They are the best support I could have today."

"Wonderful. I'm so glad to see you have support here for you. Um, Paislee, she isn't here is she?"

"No. I have her staying with a friend today. I didn't think this was the place for a toddler."

"Good. I agree."

"You brought people to hold your hands, Hotshot?" Justin smirks as he walks towards us with his lawyer. "And not even your popstar boyfriend? Where is he? Long gone after your breakdown last week?"

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