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Michael's POV

"So how are things going in London?" Crystal asks as I lay in bed talking with her.

"It's a mess, complete and total mess. They won't even be in the same room as each other." I sigh, glad to have a moment alone.

"I can't believe Ashton ruined this one. Ember is perfect for him."

"I know. And Calum is so pissed, he moved out of the hotel completely and rented his own car to get to the studio from Mali's place. He won't talk to Ash at all. And Ashton just sulks around either angry as hell or crying. Luke and I have no idea what to do."

"I don't know if there is anything you can do. He messed up and now he has to deal with it. I hope he and Cal can reconcile for the band's sake though."

"Me too. Hey, have you talked to Em?"

"A little. I'm going to go over later, she is really hurt."

"I can only imagine. Give her a hug for me, okay?"

"I will. Let me know if anything changes there."

"I will. Hey, Cal just showed up I gotta go. I love you, Crys, see you soon."

"Love you too, Michael, bye." I drop the phone and look at Calum, waiting for him to say something.

"Um, is Ashton around?" He finally speaks up.

"Luke and Ash went to get some lunch."

"You didn't go?"

"We've been taking turns dealing with him. It was Luke's turn."

"Want to go get some lunch with me? Or am I on the outs too?" He sighs, his eyes look tired.

"Let's get something good. None of this is your fault, Cal." I nod, climbing out of bed and finding my wallet.

"So how is Ember?" I ask casually as we walk down the road looking for somewhere good to eat.

"She's a mess. Nothing I say seems to help either, it sucks. I can't wait to get home and go over to comfort her. She needs someone so badly." He sighs, pulling out his phone to reply to a text, glancing I notice it's to Em.

"I'm sorry, mate. I hate seeing you stuck in the middle of this."

"Mike, you know I don't have those feelings for Ember right? I don't want to date her, like at all. She's just my best friend, like a sister."

"I know, Cal, we all know. I don't know why Ashton accused you of anything else."

"Thanks. I'm all worried now, because Ash said that. I don't want to cause drama, but she is my best friend and I'm not stepping back when I shouldn't have to."

"Good. If Ash can't figure out how to respect her friendships then that's his problem. And at least Em will have you to fall back on."

"I hate fighting with him too. I think I could forgive him if she didn't hurt so much. If he hadn't destroyed her heart."

"Is she done with him? For sure?" I'm hesitant as I ask.

"I don't know. She doesn't know. But you know how many times she was cheated on... having him accuse her of that..."

"Yeah." I sigh, "Wanna just eat here?" I point to a small cafe.

"Yeah. I'm good wherever." He nods pulling the door open.

"Hey, how is she doing with the other shit going on right now?" I ask as we find a booth.

"Oh, you mean the fans accusing her of cheating, ya that's going well too." He sighs.

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