P.E. Clash ::malum::

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REQUEST: Michael couldn't finish all his push ups in PE class so when the teacher says a few choice words he storms off and Calum comes to the rescue!


Ash: hey is michael with you?

Cal: no why?

Ash: oh well I just wanted to make sure he was okay, Mrs.Delleto yelled at him during PE class and said he was fat and lazy bc he could finish the push-ups and just skipped the whole class

Ash: he looked pretty upset, maybe you should txt him or something. Make sure he is okay?

Cal: oh yeah, of course

Ash: alright, I'll talk to you later man.


Cal: babe, where are you??

Mikey: be honest Calum do you think I'm fat?

Cal: baby no, not at all! I would never.

Mikey: but it's true...

Cal: Michael I swear if this is about what the dumb bitch said to you ! You're not fat baby not at all.

Mikey: but I am, my arms are flabby, my tummy sticks out to far and my thighs are fucking huge! She's right I'm fat and I'm lazy.

Cal: Michael please! please don't think that please. You are so much better than this! You are gorgeous, you're not fat and you're not lazy

Mikey: Yes I am Calum, I'm ugly I'm fat and lazy. It's all true! I don't even know why you are with someone so disgusting like me, you could do way better.

Cal: Michael stop. Stop doing this! stop talking yourself down! It's killing me Michael. I love you so much and I want you to know that you are perfect!

Mikey: stop lying to me Calum.

Cal: no Michael you listen here, don't you ever and I mean ever for one second think that you are "fat". Because new flash! You aren't okay!? You are perfect and I love you so much. I love your stomach and your thighs and your arms and everything. I hate when you say such disgusting things about yourself. It hurts me Michael. It hurts me to know that you think all of these thing when they aren't even true! Just because some bitchy person says something about you, never believe them, okay? The only thing I want you to believe is that you are perfect just the way you are.

Mikey: I don't even know what to say...

Cal: you don't have to say anything. I just want you to know that you are beautiful in every single way. Don't let stupid words bring you down.

Mikey: I love you Calum

Cal: I love you too baby, so so much.

Cal: and if anyone ever says something like that again to my mikey then so help me I will fuck them up, I don't care if it's a boy or a girl, I'll find a way.

Mikey: will you meet me outside behind the old soccer field?

Mikey: I really want to kiss you

Cal: f'course my love, I'll be there in a couple minutes.

Cal: oh and I'm changing your PE schedule

Mikey: you don't have to do that Calum. I will be fine

Cal: fuck no, I'm changing it to 4th period so you have it with me. I'll be damned if I let you face that bitch again without me by your side.

Mikey: what did I ever do to deserve you?

Cal: I should be asking myself the same thing. Xx

Mikey: kiss

Mikey: really wanna kiss you

Cal: I know lovebug I'm getting there as fast I can

Mikey: I love you xx

Cal: I love you more ! Xx

Mikey: I don't think that's possible but okay (:

Cal: so are you happy not, I hate seeing my baby all sad :(

Mikey: as long as I have you then I'll always be happy.

Cal: well then you and me both are going to be happy for a very long time then huh? ;)


Oh boy oh boy oh boy I love these request uh so cute!

I hope I did an okay job (/.\)

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