Remember? ::lashton::

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requested by: Larry_Lashton
REQUEST: Ashton is depressed an Luke tries cheering him up and reminds him how they got together and that he loved him
Okay so in this 5sos (band) doesn't exist. They are just normal high school lads

Lukey: your mom called me, do you need me to come over?

Ash: don't waste your time

Lukey: babe my time isn't being wasted if it's with you

Ash: whatever

Lukey: I mean it baby, can you please tell me what's wrong?

Ash: I just feel like shit

Lukey: you didn't hurt yourself, did you?

Ash: no, I'm stopping for you.

Lukey: I know and I'm so fucking proud. You know that right? I love you and everyday you prove to me that you can over come this. Even though you may have some bad days, I'll always be here to cheer you up and help you.

Ash: I know...

Lukey: what's wrong?

Ash: I don't want you to leave me.

Ash: you say you're so proud and that I'm getting better but I'm not. The only thing I'm getting better at is hiding things from you. One of these days you're going to give up on me, just like everyone else. you're going to see that I'm not worth helping. You'll just leave.

Lukey: Ashton, no one leaves you. You just push them away. You push your friends away, your family. And now you're trying to push me away. I won't ever leave you Ashton.

Ash: I only push people away because I know what to expect, everyone leaves in the end.

Lukey: Do you remember the first time we met?

Ash: of course

Lukey: you were sitting in the library and with your head down and honestly I thought you were dead or something because you didn't move for a whole 20 minutes..

Ash: yeah I know, you came over and slapped me with a dictionary

Lukey: I didn't slap you! I lightly tapped you with it

Ash: whatever

Lukey: anyway

Lukey: after I lightly tapped you, you finally looked up and my mind was filled with awe. You were and still are the most gorgeous person I know. I remember just staring at you like a weirdo

Ash: yeah you did look pretty weird

Lukey: I'm trying to be sentimental and cute here and you're ruining it

Ash: sorry, continue

Likey: Anyway, I saw you and I asked if I could sit down and you said no..... then you accidentally spilt my mocha on me while you were trying to stand up.

Lukey: even though you ruined my fav shirt and I had to go back to star bucks, I couldn't help but be intrigued. You were always alone and you never had many friends around you. I made it a point that I would try and talk to you everyday, of course you always just flipped me off and walked away but whatever....

Ash: I only flipped you off once

Lukey: right... Do you remember the first time you came over to my house?

Ash: yeah, we stayed in your treehouse

Lukey: and do you remember what I said?

Ash: that you could see I was broken, that I needed someone.

Lukey: what else did I say

Ash: No matter how hard I tried to push you away that you were here to stay.

Lukey: and have I left you yet?

Ash: no

Lukey: and I never will.

Lukey: Other people may give up or just leave but they are assholes and don't understand what they are missing. I'm here forever, no matter how much you want to get rid of me. I'll always be here to help. You aren't only just my boyfriend. You're my bestfriend, love of my life, my muse and I will do anything it takes to make you happy

Lukey: baby please answer back

Lukey: ash?

Ash: I love you, so fucking much Luke

Lukey: I love you too baby

Ash: I'm sorry that I push you away it's just ever sense I was young when my dad left, I've always had abandonment issues after that. But sense I was forced to grow up and take care of Harry and Lauren, I felt like I wasn't aloud to show my emotions so instead of talking about them I would just keep them inside and I guess that's why I try and push people away. So they don't see how weak I actually am.

Lukey: Just because your father is an ignorant asshole who left, it doesn't mean everyone is. I know you're scared but you aren't weak, it's alright to have emotions. You are human after all.

Lukey: so when you ever feel depressed or angry or happy I don't care just come and talk to me. Alright?

Ash: yeah, okay

Lukey: I mean it. You could even talk to Calum or Michael I don't care just please talk to someone if not me.

Ash: I will I promise.

Ash: and I have a question

Lukey: yes lovebug?

Ash: can you come over now?...

Lukey: of course, I'll be over soon.

Ash: okay, I love you

Lukey: I love you too <3 xx


Laughing at myself because this was so bad..... But alright, my stomach is literally killing me but I wanted to update :)


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