Little Balls Of Fur ::ot4::

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REQUEST: Michael finds some stray cats and wants to keep them.

Mikey: are you guys home yet?

Cal: nah, still at studio

Cal: why?

Mikey: I found something's

Lukey: is it ashtons secret porn stash

Ash: shut up Lucas

Mikey: hey that's my bit

Lukey: what did you find?

Mikey: well when I was walking home from the studio I stopped at maccas to get a burger and I met some fans there, they were really sweet and they were telling me how there was this kitty stuck behind something in the alleyway behind maccas and at first I though they were gunna murder me but then I heard it meow and I felt bad so I went back there and it was stuck behind like wooden pallets and so I moved them but the little guy was scared so he tried to run. But then he go trapped under a heavy box thing so I had to use my manly muscles to lift it up and then I have it some of my burger bun and it ate and then it came and curled up in my lap! So then I picked it up and I looked around to see if there was a mommy or any other ones and there was so I asked the girls to help me carry them back home with me and of course they said yes. And now the cats are just sitting in the sink. They are so cute

Ash: ....

Ash: how... How many are there Michael?

Mikey: eh well

Lukey: well?

Cal: like 2? 3?

Mikey: uh

Mikey: like 5

Ash: LIKE 5!!??

Mikey: .... Yeah

Cal: you brought home a family of cats?!

Mikey: I needed to help them! They looked so sad and hungry so I was like hey I could take care of them!

Ash: um no michael you can't! How the hell will you take care of 5 cats while on tour!?!?

Mikey: they could come on your with us...

Lukey: oh god

Ash: Michael I'm sorry but no you can't keep any of them.

Mikey: ashton please! I need to!

Ash: no you don't. You can barely take care of yourself let alone 5 fucking cats

Mikey: but I would take care of them!

Lukey: mikey, we get if it was like 1 or 2 but giving that we are on tour and are starting a new tour I don't think it's the best idea...

Mikey: please! Guys I promise I will take care of them! I'll buy them food and toys and I'll make sure they know how to use a liter box ! I can do this, please?

Cal: we know you will buy them food and all that but you don't have time for them. It's not fair to them if they have to stay alone on a tour bus all the time while we are out most of the nights.

Lukey: yeah and what about when we stay in hotels? You can't bring them in with you.

Mikey: we are fucking famous I think they would let us bring in some cats.

Ash: Michael I said no and that's final. Maybe I would think about it if we weren't touring and doing so much but you don't have time for cats right now.

Mikey: but look how cute they are!

Mikey: *image attached*

Cal: they are cute

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