Model ::malum::

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requested by: @lashtonless
REQUEST: Calum wants to take part in a modeling casting but he's a little insecure about himself, so Mikey tries to cheer him up.

Cal: Mike?

Mikey: yesss?

Cal: Erm, I was at the mall and some lady came up to me and started talking. She said that she was holding a casting for modeling and she wanted to know if I'd be interested...

Mikey: really?! That's fucking amazing

Cal: is it?

Mikey: well duh

Cal: but I can't be a model

Mikey: why is that?

Cal: because I'm not really attractive

Mikey: bullshit

Mikey: you are the most handsome, hottest guy I know. To be honest I'm surprised that someone didn't come to you sooner. You are a beautiful person and you would make a lovely model.

Mikey: and don't you ever think for a second that you aren't attractive because you are.

Cal: thank you Mikey

Mikey: you're welcome sweetheart. what company is it that the lady wants you to model for?

Cal: ummm

Cal: Calvin Klein

Mikey: you're joking.

Cal: not really


Mikey: that's so fucking hot baby

Cal: I guess

Mikey: do you want to do this babe? Please don't feel pressured. If you don't want to model then you don't have to

Cal: I want to but what if I'm not like muscular enough or something? I mean I barely have abs

Mikey: Your body is perfect. If someone ever tells you that you need to eat less or work out more then you tell them to go fuck themselves. Even if it's Calvin Klein.

Cal: I love you

Mikey: I love you too

Mikey: so fucking much

Cal: so I should call the lady back? Tell her that I'd be interested?

Mikey: only if you would like baby

Cal: alright, I'm gunna do it :-)

Mikey: you're gunna be the hottest model there ;)


I haven't updated all day and I feel like shit and my mom made me go shopping like all day and ugh. I'll update more soon x

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