Tutor Boy ::muke:: pt3

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Mike: when were you born?

Luke: excuse me?

Mike: when's your birthday?

Luke: ...why do you need to know?

Mike: you said I needed to get to know you.

Mike: so when's your birthday?

Luke: erm July 16th

Mike: cool, whats your favorite movie?

Luke: mean girls

Mike: really?

Luke: really.

Mike: alright, whats your favorite things to do?

Luke: what do you mean?

Mike: like hobbies? Got any?

Luke: I uh play guitar and sing a little

Mike: I play guitar too!

Mike: we should start a band xD

Luke: that's a terrible idea haha

Luke: I doubt anyone would wanna listen to out horrible music xD

Mike: well I'm sure you sound beautiful when you play :)

Luke: eh thanks

Mike: welcome :) so whats your favorite band?

Luke: probably atl, but who doesn't like them??

Mike: I met this guy once and he said he didn't like them...

Luke: so what did you do?

Mike: I killed him.

Luke: .......

Mike: kidding but I had a lot of homicidal thoughts of killing him

Luke: good to know XD

Mike: who's your celeb crush?

Luke: girl or boy?

Mike: both

Luke: Alex Gaskarth and probably Wendy Williams

Mike: Wendy Williams? Really luke?


Mike: you're such a dork! Ahaha

Luke: I know :)

Mike: what makes you smile?

Luke: that's an interesting question.

Mike: just answer ittt

Luke: ermmmmm

Luke: compliments I guess, like I hate them but I love them. I love that a person would take a few seconds of their day just to say something nice, but then I hate them because I see compliments as pity I guess. Like when someone says I look good or something I feel like they are just saying that because they feel the need to do it just so I don't feel bad that I'm so ugly.

Mike: Whats your middle name?

Luke: Robert

Mike: Lucas Robert Hemmings you are nowhere near this 'ugly' you speak of. You are so beautiful and I'm not just saying that. You really are gorgeous.

Luke: thank you Michael

Mike: you're welcome Lukey :)

Luke: Lukey?

Mike: yep that's your nickname :)

Lukey: well then I'll call you Mikey

Mike: sounds good :)

Luke: well I'm gunna go to bed bc we kinda have school tomorrow

Mike: you mean hell ?

Luke: common schools not that bad

Mike: ....... Sure

Luke: whatever. Goodnight Mikey

Mike: Na'nite Lukey xx



Okay okay okay okay okay. So this is going to have a lot of parts to it so just like keep reading them xD and also

Harry (ashtons brother) is so cute idk why I'm telling you this but I just saw a pic and was like aww like he's gunna turn into something amazing when he gets older and like I can feel my inner cougar coming out bc I'm like 3-4 years older than him...

*darts eyes around* I may not get ashton himself but I could still be an Irwin one day...

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