Pick up lines ::Malum::

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Cal: you're cute

Mikey: you texted me!! :DD

Cal: me and you should uh, be a thing

Mikey: you coming on to me Hood? You gonna have to win me over first.

Cal: I'll try

Cal: i put the STD in stud all I need is 'u' ;))

Mikey: oH my gOD

Cal: Are you a tower? Because Eiffel for you

Mikey: corny af.

Cal: do you work at Starbucks? Because I love you a-latte.

Mikey: sTOP

Cal: Here let me tie your shoes so you're not falling for someone else.

Mikey: r u fr rn

Cal: is your ass McDonald's? Because I'm loving it.

Mikey: ;)))

Cal: let's play titanic; you be the iceberg and I'll go down.

Mikey: bish, that's mine. You can use my pick up line

Cal: just did. Anyway.

Cal: do you have a Band-Aid? Because I scraped my knee falling for you

Mikey: oldest one in the book

Cal: I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together.

Mikey: bruhhhhh

Cal: Do you work at Dicks? Because you're sporting the goods

Mikey: *yawn*

Cal: I thought happiness started with an 'h', why does mine start with 'u'?

Mikey: ok, my heart fluttered.

Cal: I wanna live in your socks so I can be with you every step of the way

Mikey: stalker much?

Cal: my love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in.

Mikey: ew, wtf

Cal: I bet that flute isn't the only thing you know how to blow

Mikey: I don't even play flute, dumbass.

Cal: are you a magician? Because abraca-DAYUM!

Cal: Are your parents bakers? Because they sure made you a cutie pie

Mikey: ugh, stop you're making me blush
Cal: Are you Jewish? Cause you Israeli hot

Mikey: ...

Cal: are you on Nickelodeon? Because you're a-Dora-ble!

Mikey: you're getting these from Google aren't you? Either that, or Luke gOD

Cal: let's commit the perfect crime: I'll steal my heart, and you'll steal mine.

Mikey: aw aw aw okay you've proved yourself. You are worthy enough for the cliffoconda and its wonders

Cal: let's play a game. I'll be Alejandro, you be Lady Gaga and I'll let you take a ride on my disco stick

Mikey: anddddddddd you ruined it

Cal: AHAHAHA but seriously, babe, I meant everything. I love flirting with you and making you blush.

Mikey: thank you Calllly. You always make my day with your randomness and sweetness to me

Mikey: but I'm hard now so come fix this.

Cal: whoa, whoa, there Gaga, my disco stick'll be there soon hold tight

Mikey: (t -_-)

Cal: unless that's my finger going up your ass I don't want to hear shit

Cal: Lub you baby xx.

Mikey: -sigh- and I, you xx.

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