Paper Walls ::mashton::

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When you go to play the video you may want to turn it up some because it's really quiet for some reason?

Mikey: Ashton, I'm scared

Ash: what's wrong?

Mikey: I can hear it

Mikey: dear god please make is stop

Ash: what?

Mikey: Calum's getting off in the bathrooms

Ash: figures

Mikey: dude I can hear every little thing

Ash: why is he always so horny?

Mikey: I'm not sure

Mikey: I mean it would be fine if he wasn't so goddamn loud

Ash: lol

Mikey: all I hear is this

Mikey: *fap fap* *moan* *fap fap fap* "oh shit" *fap fap fap fap fap* "ugh"

Ash: ew that's gross XD

Mikey: I'm seriously about to go in there and like tie his hands together so he can stop touching himself

Ash: ohh that's kinky

Mikey: XD

Mikey: but really... It's bad

Ash: well I can't do anything about it soz

Mikey: sigh

Mikey: I know

Ash: you'll be fine, get earplugs or something

Mikey: why do you always make me room with the horny people

Ash: bc it's funny ;)

Mikey: ugh whatever bye you duck

Ash: quack

Mikey: I meant dick

Ash: *dick noise*

Mikey: *fap*

Ash: lololololol


I bet your volume was turned up when you pressed the video huh?

;) ;) ;) ;)

I'm too evil

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