Chapter 1

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Hi my names amber. i live in a small town in Tennessee. the only reason I'm still alive is for my friends and family and my abusive boyfriend. oh well it doesnt matter any ways all that seems to matter anymore is not cutting. its hard not to. oh well time to start a terible day. i get out of my bed

And get dressed in black skinny jeans and black tank top and converses i grab my black messanger bag and look in the miror i see a bruse on my check i get out foundation and cover the bruse.i run down stairs and out of the house to my red pickup truck. I drive to school and see him waiting in his useual spot.

Once im out of the truck he forcefuly grabs my arm and drags me to the side of the school. why? why does this always happen to me? "You ready you little bitch?" he asks i dont respond just stand there he hits me and kicks me then he does something unusual he pulls out a bandanna, zip ties, and a knife. is he finaly ganna try to kill me? he hits me once more and i blackout.


'Where am i ' all i can see is brite lights i see doctors and nurses leaning over a table.


An so i realize its short just wanted to get somethin out there. if u want to talk just pm or kik me.

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