Dino Powers Form: Part 1

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"Get off me!" I screamed, struggling to break free of this giant lugs grasp. "I didn't do anything to you!"

"You're full of it, Jones." He spits at me, hearing the splat of it next to my ear.

"Get off!"

"Mr. Scott." A voice came from down the hallway.

I turned my head to the sound, feeling my shoulders relax. "Mr. James!"

A darker skinned teacher was making his way down the hallway with his arms crossed. The guy holding onto my shirt collar finally let go, causing me to drop down from the locker and he took off down the hallway.

I groaned and leaned against the lockers, holding my hand to my heart. "Thank you, Mr. James. You once again saved my butt."

"I figured you got stopped since this is the only reason you're ever late. I thought you changed your route between classes, Miss Jones." He said, stopping and leaning against the locker next to me.

I rubbed my eyes, sighing. "I did, like four times. He's going to keep this up until he either moves or gets expelled."

"Unfortunately, until he actually hits you we can't do much more than detentions and suspensions." He dug in his pocket and gave me a slip of paper. "I'll tell you what, here's a detention referral. Dr. Oliver and I are running it today."

"Mind telling me what I did?" I asked jokingly.

He smiled back. "Nothing, Miss Jones. This will at least keep him from bothering you anymore today. You can stay until you think it's safe enough to get to the parking lot."

"Honestly, I'm relieved to hear you say that. Thank you, Mr. James."

"No problem, Miss Jones. Go clean yourself up and get back to my class ASAP or else I'll give you an actual reason to take a detention slip."

I smiled at Mr. James and nodded. "I'll be there soon. Thanks again for saving me."

"No problem, Miss Jones. See you in class." He walked back down the hallway, and I left the opposite way towards the bathroom.

I stepped into the bathroom and looked at my face through the closest mirror and sighed.

I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Aubrey Jones. I'm a senior at Reefside high school, and I still manage to get caught up with bullies, three years later. You'd think the seniors would leave each other alone, but I can't get that lucky.

That punk that never seemed to want to leave me alone was Nathan Scott, a jerk nobody that has been smacking lunch trays and taking lunch money since middle school. I use to be into the tall, dark haired, deep voiced punks like him until they started picking on me and shoving me into lockers. Despite his bully nature, he always seemed to travel alone. Sure, people laughed when he slammed a nerd into a locker in the hallway, but I doubt he called any of them friends.

I adjusted my jacket and pulled the dark locks of hair out of my face. This isn't how I imagined my senior year would go, but after only a few weeks I was ready for my final year to be over. Little did I know that this was only the first step of weird that my life was about to spiral down into.

The rest of the day passed by pretty quickly. My last period was science with Dr. Oliver, the teacher that Mr. James said would be helping him with detention. He seemed to be glancing at me from time to time. I guess Mr. James told him to keep an eye on him.

Detention was being held in his classroom, so I just stayed in my seat after the bell rang. He walked over to my seat and sat next to me as I finished writing a note in my notebook. "Mr. James filled me in what was happening earlier, are you okay?"

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