His touch

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We talked for 3 hours straight. He seemed really nice but with an attitude and very dirty mind, which i didn't mind at all lol. He amazed me with his huge love for books and we talked about different books actually and i can say that he even compares his life to most of them so i got to know him more. Of course there were some dirty remarks about the characters and some scenes from the book and also ME. I tried to act all taught and lied him that i have a boyfriend but he didn't buy it and started to make dirty jokes about me. 

Am i already jealous. No that cant be, i cant be falling for a stranger on the plane whom i'm not going to see for the rest of my life. Maybe...

''So you swam only in your underwear in the pool in front of people''??? he asked half laughing

''Yeah i had to it was a dare i couldn't just not do it you know''. i said trying to hold back the laughter but i couldn't so i started laughing hysterically remembering everything that happened that day.

''I would like to see that view''. he muttered under his breath so that wont listen but it was too late. I didn't know how to react so i just looked down emberesed.

''Aw she is blushing''

''Stop it you have a girlfriend who is by the way sitting next to you''. i said pointing at sleeping Molly

''First she is sleeping and second she is not my girlfriend she is just a...'' i interrupted him

''Ok i got it no need to spill everything''. 

My mood kinda lightened after this announcement and i didn't even realize that i was smiling like a fool from ear to ear.

I was caught off guard when i felt a hand on my thigh. I looked at him trying to find an explanation for his actions but i couldn't because i got stuck in his beautiful green eyes which let me to his soul.

''What are you doing''? i asked softly

''You know how hot you look right now''. I blushed and looked away but he turned my face over and came close to my face and whispered ''You would be hotter without some fabric that's on you right now''. I shivered, no one in my entire life came this close to me so it was new to me. 



''Then i wont feel guilty''. he said with a smirk

 Guilty for what? I was interrupted with soft lips on mine. He was so good i was so taken away by his lips that i didn't realize that it was my first kiss.

We heard someone clear their through. We looked and saw the stewardess standing there. she was asking something, but i didn't hear anything because i was in a trance. I knew that i was acting like a 10 year old girl who just got kissed but that didn't really stop me to come back to reality.

After the shock went through i couldn't really hold my laughter, i don't know why, maybe because of the nerves.

She finally left and i started laughing, he started to laugh too and that made me laugh even more knowing that he doesn't even know what i'm laughing at but still he just laughed with me. We didn't realize how much noise we were making, which woke Molly up. 

I looked away and Hardin just acted that nothing happened. 

''What the hell was that''? she asked pissed 

''What was what Molly''? i smiled at his bad acting

''The loud laugh''

''No one laughed Molly its a god damn airplane why would anyone laugh in here''. He was talking so sure of himself that i started to believe him for a moment.

She shrugged it off and Hardin looked at me very proud of himself.

The plane finally landed. we didn't talk after we woke Molly up so there's nothing more to tell about the flight. I still couldn't get the kiss out of my head. It was amazing. MY FIST KISS was exactly how imagined it. like i red in the books. well maybe not in the plane but it was magical for me. I felt the so called fireworks which i only red in modern books.

After i while of dreaming i felt something going inside my pocket. I slowly looked down and saw his hand. My breath started to go faster and faster.

He slipped something in my pocket and removed his hand while slowly touching my private part like it was an accident.

Is he trying to seduce me?

He winked and left the plane with her.

I went out and sat in the bus that took us to our terminal. My parents were sitting in the front row so they got there sooner then me.

I got to the airport and remembered the thing that he slipped in my pocket. I took it and started to read. 

'' See you in town. And don't worry i already have your number''. how?

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