Same, old Hardin...

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After a while of seating and discussing some things with Hardin's father and Kim, a family approached us. It was a family of three a mother a father and a girl who was very good looking. I was starting to understand why Hardin was so nervous about meeting this family.

''Hey Tessa, its Andrew my friend from childhood, its Brianna his wife and that's Jess, their daughter. And its Tessa, Hardin's...'' before he said something, Hardin said himself.

''Friend'' what? did he just introduced me as his friend? my blood was boiling.. why did he do that?

''Nice to meet you,'' i said shaking their hands. they said the same and Jess kissed Hardin's cheek saying

''Long time no see honey...'' Jess said kissing Hardin's cheek. 

''Excuse me'' i said and stood up, walking very fast to get out of this restaurant. I couldn't breath and saw Kim walk to me and shouting my name.

''Tessa wait''. i already had tears in my eyes

''Honey why are you crying?''

''Its nothing really, i just wanna go home,'' i said wiping the tears.

''No its not, something is up with you, tell me what is it? its good when you talk to to someone you know right?'' she had that slight but very kind smile on her face. I loved this woman so much, she was like my second mother.

''Do you know if Hardin has any connection with that girl Jess?''

''I know that they are close or used to be close until he met you, they used to see each other every day. She would come over and spend the night in our house very often but i don't know if she was a very close friend of Hardin's or something else, like the red haired girl, what was her name?''

''Molly,'' i said chuckling

''Yeah her, ugh i hate her so much and i'm so glad she is not coming over as often as before.'' we both laughed and she asked the next question, which i kinda trying to avoid

''But what happened that you came out?''

''Hardin introduced me as his friend.'' i could see the shock in Kim's eyes

''He did what? Really? Why would he do that?''

''I don't know and i'm so sick of this, i'm sick of him lying to me all the damn time''

''Tessa listen, i know that whatever he did its awfully bad but i cant deny the fact that he is head over heals in love with you, all he thinks about is you. He has never been so protective over anyone but you''

''I know, and i love him too but what he did today made me realize, that there is a side of a Hardin that i don't know yet and i think i wouldn't like that one.''

''Ok, right now you gotta clear your eyes and get inside with me and be the tough girl you are.'' 

''Are you sure that's a good idea Kim?''

''Yes of course it is. You can come and sit beside me if you want to''

''Yes, i would love to really, right now i don't imagine myself playing as Hardin's friend.'' we both laughed and went inside. Hardin noticed me and i saw that Jess was already besides him, tho there was a free chair in front of them but i went with Kim and sat besides her so i was on the other side of the table.

During the evening i glanced at them and saw Jess's hand caressing Hardin's shoulder but Hardin wasn't paying much attention, all i could see, was that he was very drunk, he was focused on me and i looked away and digged into another conversation with Hardin's father and Kim

''Tessa can i borrow you for a second?'' Hardin asked and i looked ta Kim looking for an answer. she nodded and i went outside with Hardin.

''Whats going on?''

''Wow you are asking me that? Don't you think i'm the one who has to ask that question?''

''I didn't do anything.''

''Ok'' i said trying to walk inside but he stopped me 

''wait, what happened Tessa? you know i don't like when you act all mad. he rolled his eyes

''You know, you haven't changed a bit, you are the same Hardin who has a lot of girls and doesn't give a shit about how people, who actually care about him feel.

''If that's what you think of me, than you can leave.''

''Gladly..'' i said walking to the restaurant to get my bag. I saw Kim looking at me and also Jess but i didn't give a damn about anyone right now so i ran outside and catched a cab. I noticed that i don't have my phone so i asked the driver to return to the restaurant and what i saw made my day even worse...

What did she see?

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