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I was standing on a very long line which was leading to Louvre museum. I wasn't surprised tho. As much as i didn't want to think about Hardin and the girl who picked up his phone, i couldn't take them off mt mind but i was taken back from my thoughts when someone tapped on my shoulder.

''Tessa? Long time no see,'' i turned around to see a person whom i didn't see for the past 5 years. It was my middle school friend, a very close friend of mine who left school and we haven't talked since then

''Mike what a surprise''. he hugged me 

''Yeah its been like 5 years right?''

''Yes, so long''

''I didn't think that we would meet in Paris after this years. By the way what are you doing here?''

I.. i was thinking about Hardin. Do i need to tell Mike about him?. he didn't let me finish and said it for me

''I understand. Its Paris, everyone needs to visit Paris even once ''

''Yeah, you are right. What about you?''

''I'm working here. When i left school i was transferred to a french school and because of my french high GPA they sent me here for studying and at the same day i got a job offer.''

''wow that's so nice.'' we finally made it inside and it was huge and there were so many people that the pictures were barely seen. I didn't really like crowded places so i suggested to leave

''Mike, i think i'm gonna leave''

''Yeah same.'' we exit the museum and he asked

''Hey maybe you would like to drink some coffee to catch up?'' i immediately thought about Hardin and that he wouldn't like it but remembered the phone call. He didn't really think that i wouldn't like his phone being answered by a girl and said the following thing

''Yes, why not.'' we went to the nearest cafe and had a very good time. it seemed that he had been here for the past 3 years and he knew everything about this city. 

''I can take you sightseeing if you want to''

''Maybe another time Mike,'' i said with a slight smile.

''You know i have to say this, i cant really hide it cause we are adults now right?''

''Yeah,'' i chuckled 

''So i think you know this but i will say it myself. In school i was head over heals in love with you and i did everything to be noticed by you but you only thought me as a friend and nothing more.''

''Really? but you were with Anna.''

''Yeah i was with her to try and make you jealous but it wasn't working so i left school''

''omg i'm sorry, did you leave the school for me?''


''Sorry. ''

''nah its ok, i mean if i didn't leave, we wouldn't meet here in 5 years right?''

''Yeah that makes sense.'' we both laughed and talked about school days, how great it was. 

''I have a suggestion''

''What is it?''

''I'm taking you to a bike ride tomorrow and i don't take no for an answer''


''I will take you places that no tourist has been and i'm sure you will love it.''

''OK if you say so,'' i said standing up ready to leave.

''Ok see you at 12 o'clock tomorrow.''

''ok bye,'' i said walking to a direction that i didn't know myself, i wasn't ready to face Hardin. I didn't know what to tell him, did i have to act like nothing happened, or i had to tell him everything. what he did was awful and a pert of me wanted to leave this country already and go somewhere where no one will know me. After and hour and half of walking i was in front of the hotel. My phone was turned off so i wouldn't know if anyone called me. I opened the door to see a worried Hardin going left to right.

''Where were you? and why didn't you pick up your damn phone.''

''I was outside,'' i said without any face expression and passed him to got the bathroom

''And why was your phone switched off?''

''I didn't notice''

''why are you acting like you don't give give a fuck about anything that i say? i didn't answer him and went to take a shower. I was too broken to talk to him and the best thing i could do was to ignore him or i would start to cry. I didn't want to tell him about the phone call thinking that he would understand himself. I was taking a shower when he opened the door and came inside without asking 

''we have to talk. i don't like your behavior Tessa, i have no idea what the fuck happened but i don't like it,'' he said half yelling

''Hardin leave, nothing happened''

''Oh really, then why do you act so strange?''

''You always act strange and i don't say a word so get away with it''

''Oh so that's what its all about. You are making me to taste my own medicine?''

''Not really, can you leave?''

''I can, but you should have behaved like this before i proposed you, that might have changed something.'' I was so broken by now. he already wanted to take the ring back. I was ruining our relationship. Maybe i was too aggressive with him, I love him i cant deny that and maybe it was better if we talked about it. I made a decision to talk with him in the morning.

After i took a shower i went out to see him sleeping already. I went to sleep too. In the middle of the night i heard his phone beeping non stop so i thought i could take a look. It was a message from someone named Bella.

Hey babe, it was fun today, maybe we could try it again tomorrow?

I was very pissed by this time. So pissed that i got dressed and left right in the middle of the night, leaving his phone open. I was walking in the dark streets of Paris, i saw people coming out of the clubs and casinos all drunk. I couldn't think of a good solution. I looked at the ring he gave me and all the memories came to me, mainly good which made me smile. Most of the time he was a perfect caring Hardin, whom i fell in love with but there was this one that was making trouble wherever he went. After walking and thinking i noticed it was already 11;30. Wow how much have i walked. I'm supposed to meet Mike in 30 minutes. I felt my phone vibrate and red the message which was from Hardin

''I'm sorry, Its not my fault... ''i didn't read the rest because i saw Mike



What happened during the ride?

Did Mike tell something to Tessa that could scare her?

Where was he taking Tessa?

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