Wife of a criminal

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 Three days have passed very fast, we couldn't really think of what to do. Hardin's father visited us with his wife and kids. They also brought a lawyer for him.

 I was alone in my room and couldn't hold back the tears, while collecting some clothes for Hardin, just in case he... he has to stay there for a long time. The amount of tears under my eyes were getting more and more every second. I already told my parents about this whole situation, to my surprise i had their full support over Hardin. And just when i was thinking about them my mom called.

''Mom,'' i said and sniffed, trying to hide back my broken sound

''My poor girl, have you been crying?''

''No, i'm ok,'' i lied

''When are you leaving for the court?''

''In 30 minutes.''

''Ok well good luck Tessa, its all gonna be good and he will be ok, believe me, he is gonna be free. Just think positive love, ok? He needs you the most right now you gotta be on your best behavior, be supportive and stand by his side every second, show him that whatever the judge will say you are sticking by his side.'' My mom's words shocked me but teared me up more. 

''Thanks mom, thanks for everything.''

''No problem love, i'm happy to help. Call me when its over, your father, Noah and i are waiting for good news.''

''Yeah hopefully,'' i said more whispering

''Its gonna be perfect, just trust me.''

''Ok i gotta go, bye, love you.''

''Bye, love you too.'' i hung up, washed the tears out of my face and at the same second, someone knocked on my door.

''Hardin,'' i said and hugged him

''Have you been crying?'' he said pulling away from the hug and cupping my face in his hands.

''No, i'm ok. Listen, i wanna tell you something before we go''

''What is it? don't tell me you are breaking up with me,'' he said with a smile on his face. This boy.. even know he was joking

''NO,'' i said chuckling back, ''i just wanna say that, whatever happens, know that i'm with you, i will never leave you, no matter what they say. Ok?''

''Even if they give me 10 years? would you like to be the wife of a criminal?'' he said with the same smile on his face

''No one... no one in this whole world can change the way i feel about you,'' i said putting my hand on his cheek. He kissed me and i kissed him back.

'I love you so much'' he said leaning his forehead on mine. i started to tear up but quickly remembered what mom said and whipped them away from my face.

''Don't cry,'' he said taking a hair away from my face.

''I'm not,'' i said looking at him, smiling but i knew that i had the most red eyes in the world at this moment.

''You are such a bad liar.''

''I love you more.'' i kissed him again with passion and someone knocked on our door.

''Its time to go,'' his father said and i looked at Hardin. He nodded at me and we stood up leaving the room, going to a place where no one knew what was going to happen, which will change lifes of so many people. Especially mine... it wouldn't even be called LIFE if he won't be in it...

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