Caring Hardin

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''Hardin its kind of hard to focus on one,'' i said smiling at him

''ok turn around i will do it one more time, its the last chance'' 

''ok ok, i will guess this time, i promise.'' again he wrote the same thing, i turned around pecked his lips and said

''i love you too,'' after a while of kissing i added

''actually.. i have got that from the first time,'' i said smirking at him

''oh really?... and why would you act like you didn't ?'' he asked raising his eyebrow and smirking

''just because,'' i laid back on him again and closed my eyes, i didn't notice that i was falling asleep, after 10 minutes i felt him take me in his arms and lead me to bed. i wasn't asleep but i was too tired to open my eyes, and to be honest i was enjoying the Caring Hardin very much. he dressed me into my pajamas and laid next to me. 

''I love you,'' he whispered, my lips formed a small smile and i went to sleep.

 ''No No... please leave him alone, i don't wanna come, he doesn't hurt me, no please don't kill him, don't touch him...''

''Tessa, Tessa wake up,'' i was being shaken by somebody and quickly opened my eyes to see Hardin, i have never been this happy seeing somebody

''Hardin you are ok, oh my god,'' i said hugging him, with fear in my eyes

''it was just a bad dream baby, i'm ok, go back to sleep, everything is fine,'' he said kissing my head and laying me down. i hugged him with as much power as i had and went back to sleep, hoping that this time that dream wont come back.

It was 11 am in the morning i opened my eyes to see an empty bed but instead, a house filled with bacon smell, i smiled and went downstairs trying to avoid yesterday's dream

''Good morning''

''Good morning''

''how did you sleep? well, after the dream?''

''better then ever actually'' i said smiling

''i'm happy to hear that'' 

 i went to him, he was standing on the other side of the counter, making bacon and eggs, i pecked his lips and said

''the smell is so good,'' i said half moaning. Hardin heard it, picked me up and sat me on the counter, he stood between my legs and said

''You know you drive me crazy just by saying that sentence,'' 

i giggled and said ''i'm sorry darling but you have to get used to that,'' i said packing his lips one more time but this time he deepened the kiss. after a while of kissing he finally asked

''i really don't want to ruin the moment, but do you wanna tell me what you saw in your dream that scared you so much?

''they were trying to kill you''

''who, they?''

''everyone was against you and i saw everyone Noah, my parents, Mr Bass and that's all i remember.'' he hugged me and said

''I'm not going away from you until you tell me so.'' i smiled at him. we were cut off from our little moment when we heard a knock on the door, i looked at Hardin 

''are you expecting someone?''

''no,'' with that he went to the door, i was behind him. when he opened the door i saw someone i never thought i could see again

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