I owe 5000$

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''Tessa, get in the damn car,'' Hardin told me when we noticed that the mysterious woman who's face we couldn't see because of the dark was coming closer and closer

i didn't listen to him and sicked to his side, when the woman got closer and we finally could see her face Hardin said something that shook me


''Hardin'' she said running to Hardin and trying for a hug but he resisted 

''what are you doing here?'' he asked coldly

''i'm sorry i didn't know where to go,'' she said sobbing, i held Hardin's hand and held him close so that he doesn't do anything bad because by his face anyone could tell that he was very angry.

''don't you think its like too late to be here like 5 fucking years,'' he was now yelling at her

''Hardin shh, please don't yell, lets go inside and discuss everything''

''no i don't wanna discuss anything with you''

''Hardin i'm you mom for gods sake''

''really now you finally realize it''

''who is she?'' she asked pointing at me

''none of you business''

''whats your name?'' now she is talking to me 

''I'm... i'm Tessa''

''You are very beautiful Tessa, are you Hardin's girlfriend?''

''yes she is, now tell me why you are here''

''can we and discuss it inside please''

''damn it'', Hardin said under his breath and opened the door to his house. we sat in the living room and i asked

''do you want me to leave you guys alone?''

''no its ok you can stay,'' said Hardin looking at me and i understood by his eyes that he didn't want me to leave him alone. he needed me by his side

''ok.'' i sat next to him and held his hand 

''why are you here?''

''I.. i am in trouble..'' she said trying to hold her tears

''what did you do again?''

''i owe money and they say that if i don't return the money by tomorrow 7 pm something bad is going to happen to me''

''why do you owe them money? oh sorry i forgot that you are a fucking drug addict''

''how do you know that?''

''i kinda saw you with your fucking friends out at night, smoking and doing whatever the fuck you were doing''

''i'm so sorry son, i know i disappoint you, but i need your help''

''how much money do you owe them?''

''5000$.'' Hardin didn't say anything, he just went up to his room and came back with 5000$ cash in his hand and just threw it at the table 

''take it and get the fuck out of here''

''i knew that you wouldn't let me down son''

''don't even say that word again, i'm not your son, you made sure of that very long time ago,'' with that Hardin slammed the door on her face and i ran to him and hugged him with as much effort as i had on me. 

''i'm sorry Hardin, please say something i'm worried about you.''

''i am going to sleep,'' i released my arms and let him go. after 30 minutes when i went out of the shower i noticed Hardin was sleeping already.

 I went slowly to the bed trying not to wake him up and laid next to him, pecking his lips, i put my head on his chest and closed my eyes. then he whispered

''I am so glad i have you in my life.'' i smiled to myself and went to sleep. 

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