Mr and Mrs Scott.

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We were enjoying the beautiful view from our balcony in Cannes when Hardin got a call from his father, telling him that they are already in the hotel, so we took the elevator and went to the lobby to greet them.

''Hey,'' Kim hugged me. ''You guys, we have missed you''

''we have missed you too,'' i hugged everyone. Me and Hardin were knelled down to greet Jane and Justin when we saw a group of people whom we definitely didn't invite to the wedding

''What are you guys doing here?'' Hardin asked

''Surprise!!!'' said Molly in unison with Zed, Steph, Tristan and Trevor. i looked at Hardin because i didn't know what to say. These were his friends but we haven't invited them so i didn't know if i had to say something or not. I just looked at them confused as well as Hardin

''You guys, why are you so confused aren't you happy that we are here Hardin?''

''I mean, i didn't tell anything to you guys so i wasn't expecting you. that's all''

''Oh we saw your father the other day and he told us about the wedding and we said why not. After all you are.. used to be our best friend.'' We didn't say anything so they took the opportunity and went to check in their room.

''Dad why did you tell them about the wedding?''

''Son, i thought they were your friends and after all i wasn't expecting them to come''

''If they were i would have invited them''

''C'mon Hardin, everything will be alright, don't worry''

''Yeah lets hope.'' Hardin was trying his best not to break anything or shout at anyone

''Hardin, everything is alright, you are just in shock as i'm cause we were not waiting for them. After all what harm can they do? Just chill. Its our big day tomorrow''

''Yeah you are right,'' he said hugging me and kissing my forehead. It was already pretty late so we couldn't do anything. We just spent the late evening at the small restaurant which was very close to our hotel with Kim, my mom and Hardin's father.

''Ok you two need a proper sleep today, so go to your room and sleep right away ok?'' my mom said

''Yes ma'am'' we stood up and while going to the elevator i saw Hardin looking at something. 

''Hardin what are you looking at?''

''Are you up for a beach walk?''

''You are reading my mind.'' he held my hand and we went outside to the beach. It was the most beautiful thing that i have ever seen, the moon was very big and it was lighting all over the sea. The lights were turned off and the only bright thing there was the moon. there were some couples sitting on the sand looking at the water. We started walking towards the beach.

''I'm such a lucky guy Tess,'' he said looking at me. The moon light was in his eyes and i fell in love with them again and again. ''If you would tell me that i will be getting married and having a kid five years ago i would laugh so hard, but now... you have changed me for the best Tessa Young and i couldn't be more grateful for that. A while ago, till i met you i thought that i was stuck in that mess of mine and whenever i wanted to change something in my life, i couldn't, there was no one by my side who would tell me that i'm doing the right thing. I mean look at the friends i chose, you can pretty much tell what kind of a person i was.''

''Hardin you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Both of us didn't really have a nice past but we were able to change our present together.''

''I love you''

''I love you.'' we kissed in front of the sea and went to our room. 

In the morning. 

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