I left Hardin...

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Hardin's pov

''What do you mean you don't know where she went? why the fuck do you work here as a security?'' i was yelling at the security guard in my hotel.

''Sir, my job is to look after our guests, not to see where they are going''

''Fuck you,'' i yelled and went inside to see Kim talking to someone.

''I tried calling Tessa's mom but she is not picking up''

''Fuck'' i muttered. ''I messed up, i fucking messed up this time and she is not going to forgive me ever.''

''Hardin first of all lets find her, she might be in trouble right now''

Tessa's pov

I was on my way to a new hotel, which i didn't want Hardin to find out. I thought it would be better if he thought that i was changing the country, then the hotel. I reached the hotel which was not so fancy as the past one but i couldn't afford more. After checking in, i went to my new room and called my mom from the hotel phone.


''Tessa.. oh my god, honey how are you where is your phone is everything alright?'' i couldn't stop but cry more and i even tried to make my voice not to crack in the middle of talking but i failed

''Yeah mom, everything is fine and my phone...'' i paused for a second. ''i lost it''

''You don't sound so sure and whats with your voice? are you sick honey... nooo don't tell me you are crying again.'' as much as i didn't want to be a burden for my mother right now after the accident with my father, i couldn't hide it anymore and said it finally

''Yes mom, i'm crying. I left Hardin, we had a huge fight. Now i'm in a different hotel in a different city and i don't know what to do next.''

''Honey, please don't cry''

''I'm sorry, i didn't want to bother you with my problems and everything, especially not right now but i cant hold it anymore,'' i sat on the floor and cried more. I was in a bad situation and all i could do was, cry but i was happy that i had my mom by my side and i was feeling ok while i was talking to her

''Honey listen to me, i love you more then anything in the world, you are never a burden or anything close to that, ok? I will be very happy if you talk to me and i could help somehow. Now tell me what did he do?''

''He introduced me as his friend in front of a girl who kept flirting with him all day and also i saw them kissing each other.'' i could barely say the last sentence, it burnt my throat while coming out

''Tessa.. i don't know what to say.. all i can say is that the last time you guys were here, i was 100% sure that he was head over heals in love with you but now... i don't know, his feelings couldn't change this fast and i think you know that too. I think there is gotta be an explanation for this.''

''I don't think so because he made it pretty clear that he doesn't need me anymore''

''He said that?''

''Not exactly the same words but i think he meant that''

''what did he say exactly?''

''I told him that he doesn't change a bit and he said that if i think of him that way then maybe i should leave.''

''Ok you know what? i'm gonna do something, and you just wait for the news. don't do anything''

''Mom what are you gonna do?'' before i could finish the question my mom already hung up. I went to the shower, still confused by my mother's behavior. What is she going to do?

Will Hardin find Tessa?

What was Tessa's mother going to do?

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