Versailles Palace

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After a while of thinking to myself, i finally asked Hardin

''Who was that?''

''It was just a shadow of my stupid past, you don't have to know Tessa''

''yes Hardin i do, she was a part of your life and by her words i guess you meant more to her than just a friend''

''ok fine, we had an affair, but it was like a decade ago, she was like Molly only worse. now if i tell Molly that i have a girlfriend she will stop flirting and whatever the fuck she does, but with Mary it all works differently''

''so she doesn't care if you are taken or not?''

''no. not at all''

''Hardin.... i suddenly had the need to switch seats.'' he chuckled and said

''seriously Tessa, now? you think she is going to something now?''

''well i don't have any guarantee so would you please stand up''

''ok ok,'' he stood and we switched seats, during that i was looking at Mary's face trying to understand what she was thinking and all i saw was anger, i brushed it off and sat, laying my head on Hardin's shoulder

''you are such a good actor.'' he whispered in my ear

''what? you think i wouldn't want to swatch seats, if she wasn't here? let me tell you Hardin, isle seat was my favorite from a very young age'' isaid sounding very proud of myself

''yeah that's why you preferred the window seat on the plane, oh wait there was an old lady seating next to me that time,'' i just rolled my eyes looking at him i couldn't hide the smile and packed his lips. after a while we finally reached the Versailles palace. 

''wow its huge,'' i said with wide eyes, i was admiring the view when someone approached me and Hardin and patted on his shoulder, we both turned around to see that ('good girl') Mary (note the sarcasm)

''what the hell do you want?'' Hardin asked annoyed

''wow, why so rude? i just wanted to say that if you guys want a guide i will be happy to help''

''yeah, no thank you not in this life,'' is what i said and we left. i didn't even bother to turn around and i was more than sure that she had that angry face again

we were first led into the palace. we saw the bedrooms and the dining rooms of the kings and the queens. they were so unique and it was like in a movie. i felt myself as a cartoon, i remembered my biggest childhood dream to be a princess and a smile formed in my lips with a small tear as i remember my parents. but i quickly brushed it off, i didn't want Hardin to see, i didn't want this day to be ruined. after the tour inside the palace we were finally led to the well known garden, i have red a lot about this garden and i heard it was huge, bigger than the palace and i finally got to see that, it was like a dream come true. it was the most beautiful garden i have ever seen in my life, there were fountains, a cafe, canoes and there was so much green, it was an amazing place. there was a also a place where you could easily get lost. Hardin smirked at me and led me there

we started to run after each other and hide from each other, we had soo much fun. i thought i found the perfect place when someone patted my shoulder and i said

''ok ok you got me,'' until i turned around and saw the person whom i didn't want to see here, again...

Who do you think Tessa saw?

Why didn't she want to see that person?

Where was Hardin?

Author's note

Sorry guys for not updating yesterday, i was sick and i'm still, but i tried today. Thank you so much for the support, love you all my amazing readers.

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