PDA in the bus

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After hours of spending in Versailles palace, it was time to go back to the hotel. The same guide came and took us to our destinations. Fortunately we weren't in the same line in the bus this time, Mary was in the very back, so i was relieved.

''I'm so tired,'' i said leaning my head on Hardin's shoulder and looking out of the window. he kissed the top of my head and said,

''Hold on, someone promised me something''

''What? what did i promise you?''

''Well, i will gladly remind you love,'' we were in the middle of something in the woods and because of the stupid cameras you didn't let me go on.''

''I made up my mind''

''don't tell me you are breaking the promise Theresa, i have waited the whole dawn day,'' he said trying to hold his laugh 

''no, dummie, i wanted to say that i'm not tired anymore,'' i said smirking and came closer to his lips

''in that case,'' he said and kissed me cupping my face in his hands, deepening the kiss. i couldn't hold the noises that were leaving my mouth, i was trying to be as quiet as possible but we had gained an audience already, when i opened my eyes i noticed a lot of people watching us. Hardin, got that i have stopped, looked at me and looked to the direction my eyes were looking. he also saw all the people who were looking at us, and said

''Hey what are you looking?'' he said sounding rude

''Dude we didn't order Fifty Shades of Grey''

''oh really cause we haven't really started yet,'' he said standing up, i quickly held his hand knowing what he is going to do next.

''Chill kid, i didn't come here to see you eating your slut of a girl''

''what did you just say?'' with that Hardin punched him and i quickly got up and stopped him, standing in front of him and looking into his eyes, making sure he looked into mine as well

''he is not worth it,'' i whispered so that only he could listen. i pushed him back and sat him in the chair

''You are fucking lucky enough we were stopped, i would rip your fucking head out of your shoulders''

''oh really seems like i would win, you would end up in jail''

''yeah if you consider yourself a winner, without a head then yeah you are a winner''

''you little...'' i was fed up of this jerk so i stood up and said

''hey you little shit, i know i'm a girl but you know what, you cant really call me whatever you want, so stick your damn head, tongue and business up where you came from, or i will do worse then he did, understood?'' omg did i just say all of that? everyone cheered me up, i was hearing yess girl, damn you are right and also whistles, with that is sat down and Hardin whispered in my ear, 

''wow that was sexy, if i knew you had this skilles i would have taken you with me to the fights, and kissed my ear going down, i turned my head and kissed him with as much power as i had. i made as much noise as i could and made sure to look at that bastard, fortunately he was looking at us and i smirked at him and deepening the kiss, but Hardin whispered in my ear

''I know what you are doing,'' he said between kisses

''i'm not doing anything'' i said trying to breath normally

''oh really? aren't you trying to make that shitbag jealous? because i have a nice idea for that''

''and what would that be?''

''just trust me.'' with that he went down to my shorts and unbuckled them, he used his magic fingers and did the magic as he always does, this time i couldn't hold moans even if i tried so i was pretty loud with everything he did to me, he was starting to go fast and i heard cheering coming from the whole bus, and then he stopped and looked around. everyone was cheering and saying

''Yess man''

''Get her''


''PDA in the bus''

Do it, do it, do it, now everyone was cheering us besides that dude and Mary of course, she was looking at us angry and i used the opportunity and smirked at her with a devil face.. i whispered in Hardin's ear

''You made a mess down there, you are so gonna fix it.'' i said biting his ear

''You are so going to do the same,'' we both laughed and waited till the bus takes us to the hotel to continue the night.

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