Disappointed in him

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The next morning.

''You know you have to do surprises like this more often,'' i chuckled, and kissed lips while saying.

''i will, i promise.'' i sat in his lap and looked at him

''you are staring'' he said looking into my eyes

''i'm gazing''

''its creepy''

''its romantic,'' i kissed him. he threw his hands to my bare back. i didn't even bother to cover up, i was used to him already. after pulling back he asked

''Hungry?'' he asked smirking 

''Very'' i answered with the same smirk. we ate our breakfast and Hardin went to the shop to buy something, i was too tired to go with him, who wouldn't after tomorrow

I got a phone call. it was an unknown number

''Hey Tessa''

''Hi who is it?''

''oh sorry its Mr Bass.'' shit

''Hi Mr Bass''

''how are you doing Tessa''

''i'm doing good thanks''

''i actually called with a good reason, i want to invite you and you boyfriend for a dinner at my house. what do you say?''

''well i cant say for sure yet Mr Bass, Hardin is not at home at this moment''

''oh please Tessa don't reject us, me and my wife are waiting for both of you, today at 7, i will send the address.'' he didn't let me finish and hung up. guess we really had to go.

after 30 minutes Hardin came back home with bags in his hands, fool of food. 

''wow did you shop for the entire year?'' i said chuckling and putting my hands in his waist, he pecked my lips and said

''we have to unpack this shit''

 ''its called food'' i said rolling my eyes adn smiling to myself ''and i have some news''

''please don't tell me you are pregnant, or your parents are waiting somewhere here.'' i chuckled and said

''no, not this time''

''ok then what is it?''

''well you remember Mr Bass from the mall?''

''yeah you father's friend''

''exactly, so he just called me and invited us for a dinner at his house''

''us as in me you and your parents?''

''no, us as me and you''

''wow that dude has no brain''

''c'mon Hardin don't be rude''

''Tess i don't think its a good idea to go''


''i don't know, i mean no one invitees their friend's daughter and her boyfriend whom her parents didn't approve, for a dinner. that's nonsense'' he said putting some stuff into the refrigerator

''i think we should go, we will change our day, forget about everything for a day. what do you say?'' i asked looking at him with puppy eyes

''ok fine, but don't tell me then why you didn't tell me

''i wont, now get dressed''

after 40 minutes of getting ready we sat in the car and drove to the address that Mr Bass sent me. we approached their house and knocked the door

his wife opened the door

''Tessa, i missed you so much''

''hi, i missed you too,''

''and who is this lovely young man next to you''

''he is Hardin, my boyfriend''

''oh i see,'' she said looking at Hardin, especially his hands where there were a lot of tattoos and her face expression changed into disappointment?

''come in in guys,'' she said after a while. we went and took our seats after greeting Mr Bass, we talked for good 1 hour about random stuff, like how we met and what Hardin does. by talking to them for an hour i understood 2 things. first they desperate to know where we live, which they didn't, and second by the expression on their face i could tell they they weren't Hardin's fans.

after 10 minutes we heard a knock on the door, Ann ( Mr Bass wife) went to open the door, i heard well known voices, looked at Hardin and started to panic....

Why would they do that?

What do you think guys what happened? who visited Mr Bass besides our lovebirds?

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