Focus on one

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''You know what, i actually made a choice already.'' i said looking at my parents and Hardin. ''i have made this choice a long time ago and i still stick to it,'' with that i went and stood next to Hardin

''so that's who you choose, you are soo out of your mind Theresa, he is going to break your heart any time soon.'' my mom said yelling at me

''i didn't ask when he was going to break my heart, he is the best thing that happened in my life, and i choose him for now''

''well young lady, if you don't come with us right now, you are cut off,'' i took the opportunity, took Hardin's hand and dragged him out, while saying

''Thanks for the dinner and for ruining our evening Mr Bass,'' i said and went out of the house. i ran into the car and started to cry heavily. Hardin came and hugged me

''what just happened?'' i sobbed in his chest

''shh you did what you thought was right for you''

''i have no family now''

''you have me Tessa, i promise.'' after a while he asked ''do you regret your decision?'' he asked looking at me worried

''no, no i don't, it just happened very fast. in just 2 weeks i lost my best friend and parents but i found you,'' i said looking at him, he pecked my lips and said

''which i'm very happy for,'' he said smiling. ''come on lets get in the car, its freezing''

i knew that i made the right decision, i didn't regret choosing Hardin, but i lost the most important thing in my life. My parents and trust to them

the whole car ride was silent, i didn't say a word but noticed Hardin looking at me from time to time to be sure i was ok. i was just looking through the window and thinking, what next?

we reached home after a long 30 minutes ride. i was taking my heels off when Hardin came and stood in front of me and said

''i have a suggestion,'' he said with a big smile

''well, what is it?'' he had that effect on me, if he was smiling then i was smiling too, if he was mad or angry, i was the same.

''Hot shower? together?''

''sounds awesome,'' i said looking at his eyes and pecking his lips

''i will go make the water''


after 5 minutes we were both naked in the bath. i was in front of him, i laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes, enjoying the moment and trying to forget what happened today, which was very hard. Hardin understood that i wasn't feeling good yet, so he said the next thing that shook me

''lets play a game''

''did Hardin Scott just asked me to play a game with him?''

''anything for my girl''

''what game?'' i asked chuckling

''i'm writing or drawing something in your back and you have to guess it. what do you say?''

''ok lets do it''

''ok turn around,'' i did as i was told

he touched my back and i shivered, he started to write something but i really didn't get it, i was too busy under his touch. i turned around to him

''i didn't get it, what was that?''

''it was a cupid heart, c'mon Tess it was easy''

''i'm sorry, ok will guess the other one''

Hardin's pov

i wanted to make her forget everything that happened today and that was a hard mission for me. i was the happiest person, because she chose me over her parents, i was so glad that i meant that much to her. and i guess her mood was changing a little bit from this game. oh i would be so mad if i was her right now. fuck. nobody decides what she should do, not that asshole Bass and not even her parents. i admit she wasn't good at this game at all, but this time i wrote something special on her back hoping that she would guess

Tessa's pov

''ok you are definitely not writing anything, your just touching here and there cause i have no clue what you wrote right now,'' i said turning around and looking at his eyes

''what do you think i could write in you back?'' he asked looking into my eyes. i was dying for his green eyes

''well many things cross my mind'' i said smiling 

'' just focus on one''

What do you think Hardin wrote on Tessa's back?

Author's note


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