Shocking news.

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''Tessa, now that we are alone, i wanna tell you something. Promise me, its gonna stay between me and you''

''I promise dad. What is it?...''

''I don't know if i will make it or not Tessa. I don't feel very well, i have a huge pain in my chest and the doctors said that i might get another heart attack and even stronger, so i have to tell this right now.''

''Dad don't say that please, i don't wanna lose you,'' i hold his hand and he started to wipe the tears from my eyes.

''Tessa you are a grown up girl and i love you more then anything that's why i'm saying this to you, so listen attentively and please don't freak out.'' he was breathing very bad, he could hardly say a sentence without coughing or worse.

''5 years ago i made the worst mistake in my whole life and connected my life with another young lady. After a while we got very close and the next thing leading to another... we had a baby.'' i didn't want to believe what he was saying. My tears were frozen on my face.

''I give them some amount of money every month and here is another thing. I won a lot of money form a game and i keep that money away from everyone, even your mom, because she will kill me if she knows that i have that amount of money. I'm telling you to take a good care of that money and spend it on whatever you want. I'm not telling you that you don't have to give it your mom cause i did, whenever she needed, i'm telling you not to tell her what money it is and how much it is. Just tell her that you found a job.'' after a long silence he continued. ''I know its a lot to handle and i'm very sorry for telling you this after such a long time but i have no choice right now. The amount of money is 23 million dollars and i have to ask you one more thing.'' he said putting his hand on his chest and breathing slower then he did. ''continue to give the lady the money for the kid, they have nothing to do with me being an idiot and making a mistake.''

''Dad, i don't know what to say, i'm sorry if i react wrong but i just really cant think straight. I don't wanna blame you, not now. But i cant bear in my mind that you have another family other then us. Don't you like me and mom? or weren't we enough for you that you ran for another family?''

''honey, i have made the stupidest mistake in my whole life and i regret it more then anything, please forgive me. I have loved you the most in this world and there came a time when i needed more then your mom so i made that mistake.''

''I love you too dad,'' i said sobbing and hugging him. At the moment mom came in with Hardin.

''Honey how are you?''

''I'm good mom''

''I'm so happy to see you my girls together,'' my father said with his eyes watered. Something started to make noise and he closed his eyes...

What happened?

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