Morning Disaster

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I woke up in the morning, still feeling dizzy. I didn't have the appetite to eat anything. I felt something inside of me and ran to the bathroom to throw up. Hardin woke up by the noises i made while running and ran after me. By the time he approached me i was done so i closed the toilet and sat beside it. He knelled down 

''Baby, whats wrong?''

''I don't know, i was feeling ok when i woke up and in a second i felt the need to throw up''

''We are definitely going to the doctor today''

''No i feel fine, really. i don't have a temperature and i feel more then ok, maybe i just ate something wrong.''

''There are too many maybes in your sentence and i don't like that. We are going to the doctor today and that's it''

''I have job''

''You wont go''

''Hardin, its my first day, i cant mess up''

''I don't care about that job Tess. Your health is now more important then the job, don't you think?'' i didn't say anything. Hardin led me to the bed and called the doctor to make an appointment. He made an appointment for 4 pm and i took the chance and said

''I can go to work till 4''

''Tess i don't want you to leave the house alone''

''Hardin nothing is going to happen. I will be fine and besides i wont be alone, there are plenty of people there and also Mr Vance will be there.''

''I don't know, i don't like this idea''

''Just trust me ok? i will be waiting for you at 3;30 near the Vance building ok?''

''Ok fine. But are you sure you wanna go today? i could just call Vance and tell him that you are not feeling ok'' i got closer to him, cupped his face on my hands, pecked his lips and said

''I'm more then sure. Its just nausea. I will be alright.'' We made it outside and each of us went to the job. I was so excited for the job that i nearly forgot about the morning disaster that i had. I made it to the office and said hi to the girl, working in the reception. She led me to the room that i will be working. It was a nice decorated room, already full of papers and stuff. I put my stuff and while i was getting used of this room someone knocked on the door. I turned around to see Mr Paul

''Good morning Ms Young''

''Good morning Mr Paul''

''Ready for the first day?''

''Yeah, i think i'm''

''Ok let me help you with this stuff.'' He helped me organize some papers that were just left here

''The last worker got fired because of this mess that she made all the time.'' 

''Really? you fired her because of the mess?''

''well, not only. lets just say that she wasn't the worker of the month''

''Oh i get it.'' he helped me unpack some of my stuff, helped em organize the computer and gave me my first work. While we were trying to make my room look like a real one, the girl came inside and said

''Ms Young, Mr Vance wants to see you.'' I made it to his room. We finally got to know each other, he was a middle aged man and looked a lot like Hardin's father. I almost thought they are related. He made some jokes to break the ice i think. After getting to know each other he asked

''Ms Young are you feeling alright? you look pale''

''Yeah i'm alright right now. I didn't have the best morning and that's why Hardin made an appointment to the doctor today.''

''Oh yeah he told me. You are free to go Ms Young. Health is more important.'' he said with a slight smile. He seemed like a very nice man. He was a bit like my father with making jokes and always having the sweet smile on his face. I was wandering about Hardin calling him. I brushed it off and went outside waiting for Hardin. We reached the hospital. Hardin noticed that i was nervous and also sweating

''Everything is going to be alright,'' he said kissing my hand. We reached the doctor's office and waited for our turn.

Why did Hardin call Mr Vance?

What were the doctors going to say about Tessa?

Is it something serious?

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