The unexpected visitor

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The next morning.

I woke up felling someone playing with my eyelashes, i opened my eyes and saw his gorgeous green eyes looking directly at mine.

''good morning beautiful''

''good morning handsome''

''how are you feeling?''

''I'm perfectly perfect though i have massive headache, how about you?''

''haha i was waiting for that answer, and i'm also perfectly perfect''

''I was just thinking about yesterday, has there been anything or has someone said anything to you that you didn't like?''

''no, not really''

''you sure?''

''boy if you wanna kick someones ass then go and do that but your friends didn't do or say anything that would offend me at least not yesterday'' i said half laughing

''i just want persons ass, and not to beat, i would prefer doing something else,'' he said with a smirk 

''oh really? what exactly?'' i said getting on top of hip

''well a lot of things,''  he said moving my hips slowly on his body. i tried to take the blanket and cover up my bare chest but he said,

''hey hey hey no no leave it there, don't cover up, i like this view.''

''shut up'' i said and hit him with a pillow, then he came up and kissed me. we were interrupted from our little moment when my phone started to ring

''ugh why do your parents call you in the most interesting part?'' he asked annoyed

''i don't even know who is calling.'' i took my phone and Noah's name flashed on my screen

''Hey Noah''

''hey how are you doing?''

''umm good, you'' i said and looked at Hardin reaction when i said Noah's name which was an eye roll huh, i'm not gonna hide, Noah wasn't Hardin's favorite person in the world and he wasn't even hiding it.

''your currently at ****** hotel right?''

''yeah why are you asking?'' 

''Well then i guess you have a guest...'' it was shock, my eyes widened and Hardin looked at me worried..

what i was going to tell him....

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