Followed by a Sociopath

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Someone patted on my shoulder, i turned around and saw the person whom i wouldn't like to see, again

''You scared me Mary, what do you want?''

''I want you, to leave Hardin alone''

''Are you out of your mind?''

''Do i look like i'm? look i love him and he loves me back he just doesn't remember that, i will make sure of it, when i find him first in here,'' she said smirking, ''i will make sure he remembers how good i was''

''Oh yeah, keep trying,'' isaid and rolled my eyes. with that she left and i desperate to find Hardin as soon as possible, i was looking for him already for 5 minutes when he grabbed me by my waist and spun me around from behind, i started to laugh and hit him to put me down

''oh my god Hardin you scared me''

''sorry love but that's the point of the game,'' he said and winking

''oh yeah and aren't there any other ways to play this game?'' i asked him smirking. he got the hint and pinned me to the nearest wall which was covered in grass. he packed my lips and looked at my eyes, he noticed that i was hiding something, damn it i'm such a bad actor

''what's up baby?''

''its nothing really, lets not ruin this day,'' with that i kissed him, like a hungry animal attacking her victim

''as much as i would like to continue this, knowing that something is bothering you, i cant, so spill''

''ok, so before you found me, Mary did first''

''and what did that bitch say?''

''she was telling me that you both love each other and now or later you are going to be together,'' i was looking at him with serious expression with a worry in my eyes, but he started to laugh hysterically

''Hardin why are you laughing?''

''that girl,'' he said between laughs, ''she is out of her mind, really did you believe her?''

''well, i know you don't love her right now, but maybe you did in the past and what if that feelings come back?''

''are you seriously thinking that baby?'' he said now with a serious tone. ok listen, she was in my past, yes that's true but i have never had any feelings for her, she was just a one night stand girl like Molly and i don't really like that kind of girls''

''what kind of? ''i said now smirking

''Always open ones,'' he said and packed my lips again

''i'm glad'' i said between kissing. we both realized that this kiss was getting heated and i stooped him before it went too far

''Hardin.. babe.. we cant do this here''

''why? no one is watching us anyways''

''yeah, i highly doubt that, there are millions of cameras here, so we can take that home later?'' i said winking at him

''ok, you said that Ms Young.'' i laughed at his remark. he held my hand and we finally made out of that labyrinth. we walked for hours, ate and also sat in canoe, there was a little pond where couples where enjoying their time like me and Hardin. I was sitting between his feet and resting my head on his shoulder 

''You know how much i love you,'' he suddenly whispered in my ear, i turned around and answered him

''I know...because that's the same kind of love i have for you.'' we kissed again and everything seemed perfect, but little did we know that we were being followed by sociopath...

Who were they being followed by?

What did that person want from them?

Where they in danger?

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