He is just a friend

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I hung up and looked at Hardin still with wide eyes after the surprising call and announcement from my best friend Noah

''what happened?'' he asked worried

''he is here''



''ugh i didn't like that dude from the beginning''

''stop it he is my best friend, and what are we gonna?'' i started to freak out and put my hands on my head. it was a reflex of mine

''ok first of all calm down and second we have to get dressed.'' and collecting the bed as if nothing has happened here, we heard a knock  on the door. Hardin mouthed me 

''open'' and nodded


''Tessa i missed you,'' he said spinning me around. i felt Hardin's eyes glaring at Noah, good thing he didn't see it

''I have missed you too Noah. how are you here? when did you come?''

''Well i wanted to surprise my best friend and i came today early in the morning''

''and how long do you plan to stay?''

''already want t get rid of me?'' he said smiling

''no no no just wanted to know how much time we are going to have together?''

''oh i'm leaving tomorrow at 7pm. i heard Hardin say ''yes'' under his breath but he was too loud and we both heard him

''who is he?'' asked Noah

''its Hardin my... friend''

''the only friend''

''the one and only'' said Hardin looking at Noah really proud of himself



''nice to meet you'' said Noah waiting for a response instead all he got was a

''yeah'' from Hardin 

''so you guys live together here?''

''what no, he just came by''

''um ok''

''where are you going to stay Noah?''

''i have a already booked a room in this hotel.''

''oh great'' i heard Hardin muttering under his breath, while he was concentrated on his phone

''ok guys i probably have to go and unpack so i will see you later ''

''ok bye,'' i said and shut the door feeling relieved that he left



''why do you have to be so rude to him?''

''no i wasn't ''

''yes you were you just showed him that you are not happy that he is here''

''which i am,'' he said smirking. ''he is even going to stay in the same hotel as you are. how am i supposed to get here to you?''

''you will manage one night with anything''

''first i wont and second what do you mean by anything'' the famous smirk on his face 

''i mean everything.'' i said and sat on his lap

''you know i have to disappoint you but i have some family stuff to do today so i have to leave you with that ass.. amazing friend of yours alone'' yeah he corrected himself at least this time

  ''ok . i will take him to the movies where we cant talk that much and he wont ask me questions about you, which i cant answer right now''

''oh so i'm you friend huh?''

''i wasn't going to say something else. i didn't want my mom and dad to know that the second day that they are gone i already have a boyfriend and i lost the most important thing in my life. and i don't want them to think that i'm like a married woman now

''what, a married woman?'' he asked chuckling

''yeah i practically do everything that married woman does besides taking care of a baby of course''

''well we can always change that any time'', he said kissing my neck

''uhm'' i said closing my eyes and enjoying his every kiss. i started to go down and kiss his neck and mess his hair how he likes it to be done. until we heard a knock on the door

''i already hate it.'' he said groaning while i opened the door. Noah looked at me and then at Hardin and i didn't realize that his hair was messy and he was laying in my bed. shit

''did i interrupt you guys?'' he asked slowly stepping inside

''no we were discussing where i can take you today''

''he is not coming with us?''

''no he is busy today''

''ok ''

''i thought about watching a movie somewhere, are you ok with it?''

''yeah perfectly ok''

''ok then lets go''

 when we were already at the lobby i said good bye to Hardin and left with Noah. at the cinema Hardin didn't stop texting em every second and i just couldn't ignore him

''he seems very worried.'' i heard Noah whisper in my ear

''no its not Hardin its.. my mom.'' i lied to my best friend what was i becoming into

after the movie we went to the cafe and talked a lot about his date with Sandra and he made sure like 100 times that Hardin wasn't my boyfriend or that we aren't doing anything together

''Noah i already told you Hardin is just a friend''

''does he know that?''

''what? yes of course he knows''

''doesn't seem like that. he looks at you like he is going to kill someone that touches you or just says hello''

''well i guess he is just a good friend''

''yeah ok anyway lets go to the hotel already i'm very tired''

minutes later we were already in the hotel lobby it was 11pm. i said good bye to Noah and went to my room. i took off my clothes and went to the shower, when i was almost done i heard a knock on the door, i thought it was Noah, maybe he forgot something? i didn't even looked at the door hole and opened it to be greeted by Hardin.

but he wasn't the same Hardin like in the morning. he was different and i was scared of this Hardin....

Author's note

(what do you think guys what happened with Hardin??)

(the right answer will get a follow ;)

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