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On our way home i could only think about the envelopes, pictures and everything else that we got during the past days. No one came to my mind, i couldn't think of no one besides...


''Yes love?'' i was surprised he was quiet, he didn't scream, he didn't want to break anything, that worried me more.

''Who do you think did all of this?''

''I don't know,'' as much as i love him, i know him better he himself and i could easily tell that he was lying.

''I can think of one person''



''Mary? that bitch is in jail Tessa.''

''I know but she could have hired someone to do this job, couldn't she?''

''Look Tessa as much as i like you being all Sherlock Holmes, lets not change the colors of this story. And when we get another envelope or some shit, i will call the police myself.''

''ok.'' i was still worried, i think he knew something but wasn't telling me. After a while when we reached the hotel, i mentally and physically prepared myself for a new box or a new envelope but luckily there was nothing. 

''I'm so tired.'' i said whining and bumping into the bed

''really? i was thinking that we could spend the time differently this time,'' he said smirking

''Well we always spend the night the same way.''

''And which way is it?'' he said coming closer to me

''Um.. i can only tell you that i always end up with no clothes on,'' he was very close to me so i took the chance and kissed him.

''You are such a liar,'' he said between kisses.


''Because you said there will be no sex today and you are the one kissing me'' 

''That was a good night kiss,'' i stood up, went to the shower and heard him say

''That's unfair,'' he said opening the shower door.

''Hardin...'' i screamed at him and tried to cover myself, i had that reflex, what could i do. ''Get out.''

''No i'm staying, you kissed me and left me horny as fuck and now you want me to leave this view? no thank you i prefer to stay''

''Ok fine,'' i quickly took a shower and went straight to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night, i was not feeling well. Hardin was nowhere to be seen. I began to panic

''Hardin?'' no answer. I called him, he didn't answer the first time, but the second time he did and he was out of breath

''Hardin where are you?''

''I'm out, i went to the market, i will be there in 5 minutes''

''What are you doing in the market at 4 am int he morning?''

''I had to do something really quick''

''Ok,'' i  hung up and as much as i wanted to wait till he came and as much as i wanted to think about whatever he was doing and be dramatic i fell asleep cause i was feeling like a dead person. I didn't have energy to even move my legs.

I woke up in the morning and saw Hardin still sleeping, i didn't see any bags from the shop. After a while he woke up.

''Hey baby''


''Something up?''

''Hardin where were you at night?''

''I was at the market, i already told you''

''Then where are the things that you bought?''

''I already used them''

''Ok.'' i tried to stand up and go the bathroom but i couldn't. Hardin noticed that and came to me quickly taking my hands and leading me to bed

''Hey hey are you ok?''

''I don't know, i didn't feel well at night, that's why i woke up and now i just feel dizzy.''

''Its ok lay down, i will take care of you''

''You have work today''

''I will skip''

''No you wont, you will go to work and i will take care of myself till you come''

''I'm not leaving you alone.''

''Hardin please''

''Ugh ok,'' he stood up, and left for work. I fell asleep after he left and a knock on the door woke me up. I opened the door to see....

What did she see?

Was it a good thing?

Was it a person?

Another envelope? or it was the courier already?

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