PDA in his Office

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We were in Hardin's office. He turned on the computer to watch the video which the camera had captured. when we turned on the video, we both saw something that shocked us to death. The girl whom i have seen in Hardin's room and who also got fired, was sitting on his chair trying to find something in his shelf. The other video was from yesterday, when i called him and she answered the phone. It showed that Hardin wasn't in the room by the time i called. We also found the video that was from today's events. She noticed me way before anyone else when i entered the building and got to Hardin's room. She mixed her hair and unbuttoned her T-shirt. I was so mad at her and i could see that Hardin was ready to kill her. But I was so relieved to see that there was nothing between them. i didn't know what to tell Hardin, i wanted to apologize for blaming him and everything but i wasn't sure if he was going to forgive me. 

''Hardin...'' he was too busy looking at the computer to find something else, that he didn't hear me so i tried again. ''Hardin?''


''I'm sorry..i didn't have to blame you. I just.. it was just so natural, me calling you and her picking up the phone then coming here and seeing her all messy and without a shirt. I'm really sorry i should have trusted you''

''I mean i would do the same Tess, i'm not blaming you really. This situation actually has more good sides then bed. Good side is that she is fired, she was trying to steal something from here which i want to find out the most. The bed thing is that we had a night of fight instead of something else.'' he had that famous smirk on his face.

''we are so gonna have a lot of nights like that.'' we started to kiss and it got more heated so Hardin locked the door and hovered me with his now bare body. We were in the middle of kissing when i remembered.

''Hold on, does anyone have the footage of this camera or its only you?''

''I think it only me.''

''Seriously, i don't want to receive another sex tape''

''I'm 98 percent sure that i have the only access to this camera. Oh and my boss''


''Yeah i mean he is my boss and besides he is not here. He is somewhere in Japan, he is definitely not gonna see it,'' he continued to kiss my neck, making me forget about everything. I took off his jeans and he took off my dress. In a matter of a second he was inside of me which was the best feeling i have ever had. I was being too loud so he put his hand on my mouth before someone could come into the room. But it was too late.

''Mr Scott, are you ok?''

''Ye.. yeah Lidia, i'm fine.''

''Ok, just wanted to remind you that you have a meeting in 5 minutes sir.''

''Oh shit.'' we quickly got up and got dressed. I did my hair because it was a mess. The second Hardin wanted to open the door i stopped him

''Hardin wait... i corrected his hair too, it looked even messier then mine. I pecked his lips and left the room. I had so many things to do. Buy a dress and everything for the wedding. I went to a lot of shops and found some stuff. I took some samples to show Hardin and was on my way to the hotel. I didn't notice that 3 hours passed and Hardin was probably at home already. I was trying to distract myself from today's events but something couldn't leave my mind and i had to tell it to Hardin... I went into our room to see Hardin already shirtless with a coke can in his hand. I really didn't want to ruin this evening but this thing didnt leave my mind for a second

'Hardin, want to tell you something...''

What was she going to tell him?

Did she do something bad?

Did she meet Rose?

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