Sudden nausea

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I was more then confused by Hardin's behavior. He was more then ok the whole evening and when we got to the hotel something came up. I couldn't guess what exactly because i didn't hear his conversation with the lady working in the front desk so i was very worried. We got to the elevator and all i did was looking at him, trying to find some answers but instead i only saw him smile a little bit to himself. I took a shower and ran to the bed, i was still full of thoughts and  didn't know if i could exchange them with Hardin right now. His face didn't stop from smiling

''Don't you want to sleep?'' i finally asked him

'I do. I just have something to do and i will sleep immediately.''

''What exactly?''

''Just some stuff... with work''

''At 1 am?''

''Yeah it was spontaneous, sorry. Good night, love''

''Good night.'' he kissed my forehead and went out of the room. Still had the grin on his face and also noticed him take some money. At some point i wanted to go after him and see what he was hiding from me but then i made up my mind and decided not to go. I was very tired for that, i was fed up with everything and i think i couldn't bear so much and i wasn't feeling well so i stayed in bed that we shared with my fiance who was going to be my husband in less then a week and who was also keeping secrets from me. I decided to just close my eyes, sleep and stop thinking about everything. 

It was 3 am when i heard noises. Someone was trying to open the door and i saw Hardin come in. I quickly closed my eyes, not wanting him to see me awake. He went to his suitcase and put something in there. By this time i had a massive nausea. I couldn't keep it anymore so i ran to the bathroom and noticed Hardin running after me. I closed the door after me, not wanting him to see me puke. 

''Tess? what happened? are you ok?''

'I'm fine,'' i sat near the toilet. From a very young age i was afraid of puking. I used to cry when i had the need to puke and i remember my father always being by my side. Saying something funny to change the subject so i that i wont cry. 

''Tessa open the door.'' I flushed the toilet, cleaned myself and opened the door.

''What happened? are you feeling ok?''

''I don't know, i just opened my eyes and felt that i had to puke very bad.''

''Maybe you ate something wrong''

''we ate the same thing.'' Hardin led me to the bed and covered me with a blanket with a kiss on my forehead. We have done some check ups, my temperature was ok and everything else was fine.

''Does anything hurt. Like your head or anything?''

''No i feel good, nothing hurts. ''

''Ok go back to sleep we will do something in the morning''

''You just came home?'' after a long pause he answered

''Yeah.. i got cough up. There was too much to do''


''Yes baby?''

''Do i have to worry?'' at this moment i was laying on one side and Hardin was kneeling beside the bed so we could see each other.

''No baby girl, everything is fine. Go back to sleep.'' he pecked my lips and went to the shower, leaving me in deeper confusion that before.

What was he hiding from Tessa?

Why did Tessa have a nausea?

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