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It was the second week in England, it was very beautiful here and it kind of reminded me of Paris. I got my mind from everything, school, exams and etcetra. I talked to Noah (my best friend) every single day telling him how good it is here and that one day we have to come here together. Its was a regular morning in England, we were having breakfast and discussing where to go next.

''Guys i think that we have to go to Scotland, or Edinburgh''. my mom tells with excitement

''Yesss that's a good idea, we will see all the castles and everything'' i sounded too excited

''Tess can you come to the reality for a moment. You don't exactly think that everything is going to be the same as in your books right''? my father asked 

''Well not everything but at least i will see the well known castles''. i was interrupted with my phone buzzing telling me that i have a message. I looked at phone and it was from an unknown number.

''Hey babe wanna meet up?''

who the hell was that i thought to myself and replied

''Who are you?''

''Oh sorry i forgot that you don't have my number. Its Hardin, the stranger from the plane''

I nearly forgot about him, well i tried to but it was kinda hard remembering that this guy was my first kiss.

''How do you have my number''? i asked the question which was disturbing me since day one

''Oh girl you don't really wanna know the answer lets just say that you sleep very tight and i kinda took the opportunity''

I cant even imagine how he got that 

''So your still in town right?''


''Wanna meet up?''

''Ok, where?''

''Send me your address i will pick you up at 7''

''Ok (the address)''

''Laters baby ;)''

''Are you mocking Christian Grey from fifty shads of grey?''

''Um well first of all i invented that phrase so he is mocking me and second i'm way hotter then him''

''Yeah sure.'' i replied and tossed my to my bed. looking at the time i nearly had a heart attack seeing that its already 6 ish and i'm not ready yet

I went to the shower, applied some cream so that i will smell like strawberries and chocolate. am i trying to impress him.? i guess so. why? I don't know yet.

I wore my favorite denim jeans with a tank top and jeans jacket as it was cold. As i had my own room in the hotel i didn't need to tell my parents where i was going and besides they weren't even in the hotel. 

I went to the lobby seeing a very god looking Hardin, sitting in a sofa and looking around like he was in some kind of museum.


''Hey babe. you look great''

''Thanks, you look ok too''

''Ok? just Ok?''

''Um ok you look super hot. Happy?''

''Very.'' he said satisfied

''So where are we going''

''You will see''

''Well we barely know each other so kinda don't trust you that much so please tell me where we are going''

''I assure you there is nothing dangerous and nothing is going to happen to you. well not tonight. he said with a smirk and i look down as i looked like a tomato 

Minutes later after sitting in the silence i finally asked him

''why do you call me babe? we are not even together''

''well you are a babe and we can fix the second part''. ''Don't hide your blush i like it''

''stop it you are making me blush more''. he laughed and we finally approached a cafe

''As you don't trust me that much i brought you to a simple place which is not that far from your hotel''

''well thank you''

we went inside, ordered our food and started to talk

''so what did you tell you parents when you went out?''

''they weren't in the hotel and they probably would be later than me so i don't have to tell them anything''

''um naughty girl. i like that''

i rolled my eyes and smiled at his remark

''And sorry that i didn't text you earlier, its just i had some family problems to solve''

''oh that's ok really. i had some family time to spend so we are even''

Time went really fast. we talked non stop about everything in the world mostly books. It was really fun with him and then it seemed that we a lot in common

''would you like anything?'' the waiter asked me

i looked at him and thought to myself. he is kinda cute.

''um no thank you i'm done''. i said but he was still looking at me and i looked over to Hardin to see his reaction and i can tell that it wasn't his best. he was glaring at the waiter.

''are you done staring?'' he asked annoyed and angry

''sorry''. with that the waiter left

''what was that?''

''what was what?''

''the stare. you nearly killed that guy with your stare''

''i just didn't like him that's all''

''well i kinda liked him he was cute''

''what no he was everything but cute''

''are you jealous?''

''me? noo.'' he said trying to act like nothing just happened

''ok i was joking he wasn't cute and everything i'm just playing with you''

''well i have better games to play which don't involve waiters''

 ''then who does it involve''? 

''Me and you'' he said with a smirk

''you are crazy''

''i have heard that before''

we talked for hours and left the cafe. we reached my hotel i could help but notice that his hand was on my thigh all the time

''Thank you for tonight. it was great''

''i''m happy you enjoyed it. i actually wanna take you somewhere tomorrow''


 ''its a secret place''


''i will pick you up at 1pm''

that sounds like a plan. i walked to my room with the biggest smile on my face. i think i start to like him 

Authors note

(Hey guys so i hope you like my story i'm continuing to write and i really hope you guys can help me with some ideas for my story.)Love you all :)

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