Going home

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I finally made it to the door and opened it seeing a lady holding a box and an envelope in her hand.

''Hey i was passing by and saw this in front of your door,'' she said handing it to me. I was already terrified

''Thank you'', i said and closing the door went to the bed. My heart was racing very fast. I already knew what to expect but didn't really want to see. I opened the envelope and red the message.

''You think you got rid of me?''

And there were pictures of Hardin with the cleaner that took our first video and pictures which were in our first envelope. They were making out in the pictures and more. I started to tear up and by saying tear up i mean my whole face wet and red from the tears. I couldn't hold back the tears. I didn't know what to do besides... going home. I quickly got my bags and out all my stuff. I quickly booked a ticket to London for today. The nearest flight was in 7 hours. I was so frustrated that it didn't stop me. 

I was still feeling dizzy but after this pictures i didn't care. I left him a letter and before getting out of the room i decided to open the box. I saw an underwear.. her underwear. I didn't have space to cry anymore. I catched a taxi and headed to the airport. I had so many tears in my eyes that i wore glasses, didn't want people to stare.

Hardin's pov.

I called Tessa 1000 times, she doesn't pick up.

''Hey man whats up?''

''My girl. she is not answering he phone.''

''well maybe she is busy or at the shop or somewhere''

''No she wasn't feeling well in the morning, she cant go out''

'And you are here instead of being with her?''

''God you are right,'' i said getting my stuff and leaving as soon as possible. On my way to the hotel i tried to reach her again and again but didn't succeed. Finally i made to the hotel, i ran to our room and started to bang it as hard as possible. She didn't answer and i didn't have the spare key. Luckily there was a cleaner nearby i asked her to open our door. She wasn't there


''Tessa its not funny come out,'' i said looking the last place she could be. I checked everywhere she wasn't here. I sat in the bed and buried my head on my hands

''Hello?'' i looked at the direction to the door and saw a middle aged lady

''What do you want? and how did you get inside?'' i said half yelling

''No need to be so rude and the door was open. I just wanted to say that if you are looking for the girl i can help you.''

''what do you know?''

''well i was here like 2 hours ago. I was going to my room and saw an envelope and a black box.'' shit. ''i knocked on the door and she answered, i handed it to her and after an hour she left with luggage. I think that's the envelope'' she said pointing at the table. I saw a letter and red it.

Don't try to think about any more lies, I'm done.

''Shit shit shit, i fucked up.'' i said running to the elevator. before reaching the elevator i saw the bitch cleaner passing by. she smirked at me and i went and said

''If something happens to her you are dead,'' i was chocking her. I catched a cab and headed to the airport....

What happened in the airport?

Did Hardin manage to get Tessa?

Will Tessa forgive him?

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