Last night memories...

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''Marry me Tessa,'' he said looking at me, still on the hospital bed. ''You are the only thing that makes me wanna get up in the morning and i cant imagine a day without you.'' I started to tear up. I couldn't believe he just said that. I always thought that he was the kind that doesn't get married and enjoys the single life. But guess i was wrong.

''Hardin are you hallucinating?'' i asked chuckling and still thinking that he is not being serious.

''No i'm serious. I mean i'm not saying at the exact moment but in the nearest future. What do you say Tess? i know i have been the biggest asshole in the world to you but i'm too selfish to let you go.'' i interrupted him with a kiss and after we parted i said

''I will marry you.'' i said looking into his green eyes which made me fall in love with him even more if that was even possible.

''You do? You do.'' he said the same thing several times not believing and that made me laugh at him. He stretched his arms to hug me but remembered that he cant so i hugged him instead and we fell asleep. I was woken up by Hardin father who came from Kim's room.

''How did it go?''

''Well it was better then i expected, she told me about her pregnancy and everything. But i'm not sure it convinced me enough, i mean i'm still in shock. I didn't tell all of this to her but i don't appreciate her not telling me this even when i love her this much.''

''Thomas everything will be alright. Look i wouldn't like to say that but just think that she might not even be laying on that bed by now. Everything could have end up in a different and a very bad way. Hardin has also done something bad before this car crash that's why i wasn't with him, he came to search me with Kim that's why all of this happened and i partly blame myself but i couldn't act differently, not after what he did. But i forgave him because i value the fact that he is still with me. When i think that i could have lost him...'' i couldn't talk, when i thought about that i had the feeling that something was squeezing my throat. ''i just cant live without him.'' i said looking at him. I had millions of tears in my eyes and i didn't want to face Thomas like this but i guess we were both in the same situation right now.

''Tessa, don't blame yourself. I have no idea what he did but if you ran away that means that he did something serious which was worth running away. don't blame yourself in anything. And you are very right about valuing what we have. I shall go talk to Kim and apologize for being a bit rude to her. And Tessa?''


''Thank you for the good advise.''

''No problem.'' i sat on Hardin's bed looking at him and going through what i just said to Thomas and remembering my dad, remembering the good times we used to spend together. I brushed all the thought away, i didn't have any more tears left. I went back to sleep with Hardin. 

Weeks passed after the accident. Hardin and Kim were perfectly fine. Hardin could already walk and the first thing he did was pinning me into the wall and fucking the life out of me. Which i missed the most in the world. He was at work and the memories of last night came to my mind making me grin from ear to ear. I also couldn't take out the question he asked me in the hospital. I got a message and it was from him

''Babe, get ready i'm taking you out tonight.''

''Ok love.'' i replied him back and started to get ready. I was wearing a beautiful dress and i looked like i was going to a met gala. I was finished and he texted me that he is downstairs. 

''Wow...'' he was looking me up and down for a good 2 minutes and finally said ''you look stunning..''

''Thank you, you too handsome,'' i winked at him and he smirked at me, i guess we both remembered last night at the same moment.

''where are we going?'' i asked getting in the car

''You will see but i want to blindfold your eyes''

''umm.. ok'' after a while the car stopped and we got out of it. He led me somewhere and took my blindfolds off. I was amazed at what i saw...

Where did Hardin take her?

What did she see?

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