Job offer

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I went to my room and saw my mom sitting in my bed.

''Where were you Tess?, we were so worried''

''Mom don't worry i went sightseeing''


''No with a friend of mine''

''You have a friend here?''

''well he we met on the plane''

''ok be careful Hun its a new country. and by the way do you like it here?''

'' yeah its a great place''

''ok then we have something to tell you'' with that we left our room and went to theirs where my father was

''Hey dad''

''hey darling how are you doing?''

''i'm doing great dad. so what is it, whats going on?''

''well i got a job offer from here and if everything goes the way i planned then we will stay here for much longer then expected''

''oh that's... great i guess''

''you don't like it here''

''noo i like it really it was just shocking. i really like it here.'' i said and remember Hardin.

''ok guys i had a very long day i think i might go and get some sleep''

''ok darling go ahead and oh i forgot to tell you that me and your father have to leave for Scotland for 3 days for the offer''

''and at what time are you leaving?''

''in the morning''

''ok goodnight''

''goodnight honey'' they said in unison

In the morning my parents left and i was all alone. then i got a call



''yeah someone has missed me much i guess''

''yeah how are you doing?''

''i'm doing great what about you?''

''well same here''

''i got some news Tess''


''well i talked to Sandra yesterday and guess what?''

''what?'' i sounded like a 4 year old child

''we have date today''

''no way Noah i'm so happy for you''. So Sandra was Noah's crush for as long as i can remember myself

''ok i have to go talk to you later Tess'' 

''bye Noah. good luck''

''thankss haha''

i looked at the clock and started to get ready, i wore denim jeans a hoodie and my favorite Nike boots. i heard my phone buzzing telling me that he is here, i went to the lobby to be greeted by the best smile in the whole world

''Hey babe ready for some adventures?''

''yess''. i sounded very excited though i didn't know where he was taking me....

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