Future Mrs. Scott

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''WILL YOU MARRY ME...'' at that moment i thought i was going to choke. The oxygen was not enough for me and i think i turned red by that time. I didn't realize that i didn't answer yet.

''Yes. yes yes hundred times yes Hardin.'' he had the biggest smile on his face. He slipped the ring on my finger and stoop up to hug me. I hugged him back and kissed him with as much power as i had. 

''Its officially the best day of my life.'' i said looking at him. 

''This day is not finished yet,'' he winked at me. We were on each other's hands looking down from the Eiffel tower, enjoying the view and the beautiful night lights. 

''I cant believe i'm engaged.'' we both said at the same time.

''We are not even married yet but you already read my mind'' he said pecking my nose.

''I always had that skill Mr Scott''

'''Im only glad for that future Mrs Scott.'' we spent another hour there and left. we took a small walk to enjoy the night Paris.

''Now i understand why people call it a city of Love and Light.''

''Yeah it makes sense now.''

''What are you thinking about?''

''I'm thinking about the path that we went through together. Actually most of them make me laugh.''

''Yeah like the accident with Molly on the plane.''

''God such a long trip''

''yeah. but the most important thing is that we went through that trip together without leaving each other.'' we stopped walking, we were near the river Sienna. he kissed me, pinned me to the nearest wall and lowering his hands down to my private part. he didn't leave my mouth for a second tho i managed to say a word or two

''Someone is way much hungry.''

''Someone is always hungry for you.'' he said continuing whatever he did

''Hardin lets take this home.'' we quickly cough a cab and went to the hotel. he didn't wait for the door to fully open and dragged me inside. Pinned me to the wall, took my feet to his waist and kissed my neck, leaving love marks here and there. I was already a moaning mess. 

''I missed you,'' i said half moaning

''We had sex yesterday,'' he said chuckling but didn't stop kissing and touching everywhere he could. 

''Doesn't matter.'' he used his fingers and took off my panties sliding 2 fingers inside of me. It was amazing, i loved the magic his fingers were doing to me every time but i wanted more at this moment. A lot more... 

''I want more Hardin,'' i whispered in his ear. He took me to the bed and took off his jeans. After a second he was inside of me and thrusting the life out of me. 

''Don't stop.'' i liked this feeling the most in the world. I made a whole mess out of the sheets which i grabbed every second. every thrust was like a new start of life. I felt like i was reborn by his every thrust. He was way good at this and i was proud to call him my Fiance. After a while we both cam and he laid his head on my bear chest. we were both breathing heavily. 

''I love you future wife''

''I love you future husband.'' he was so tired that he didn't even get up from me so i took the blanket and covered us both. In the morning i was woken up by my phone ringing


''Tessa, honey how are you?''

''I'm good mom you?''

''me too honey. Did i wake you?''

''No its ok''

''Then why are you whispering?''

''Hardin is still sleeping''

''Oh ok. got it''

''Yeah about that, i have to tell you something''

''what is it honey?''

''Me and Hardin are engaged...''

How will Tessa's mom react to that news?

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