157. He's Frustrated

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A/n: Explicit language in this one! Also, I apologize for it being so short. Anyways, I hope that you guys enjoy this imagine. Okay, without further ado, let's begin!

Shawn's point of view

I was supposed to take my wife, Y/n Mendes, out to dinner tonight to celebrate our six month wedding anniversary tonight. I had put my keys that have my house key and my car key on it somewhere - for some reason I didn't put it where I usually do - and now I can't find the keys. I searched around the house, I practically tore the house apart. On top of that, I was struggling to figure out the proper lyrics that I wanted. My phone rang, it was Y/n so I answered.

"Hey babe." I said.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing." I lied.

"Shawn, I know you. How about you tell me when I get home?" She asked. I sighed and sat on the couch.

"Okay. I love you." I said.

"I love you too honey." She said, and we hung up. She soon arrived home from work.

"Hi honey." I said as I tried to smile. She sat down next to me.

"Hi. What's wrong with my handsome and amazing husband?" She asked. I buried my face in her neck as I wrapped my arms around her waist. My amazing wife immediately wrapped her arms around me and ran her fingers through my hair, trying to soothe me.

"Well, I was getting frustrated with lyrics because I couldn't figure out what I wanted to write, and then I was looking for my keys because I wanted to buy you a nice dress so we could celebrate our six month anniversary tonight at dinner, but I can't find my fucking keys so I can't buy you that fucking dress that I want to get you, and I'm just really frustrated right now." I said. Y/n rubbed my back.

"Shhh honey, it's okay. How about this: we look for your keys, two sets of eyes are better than one, and we can make dinner together and it would be more intimate, just the two of us?" She asked. I thought for a moment and then picked up my head so I could look at her beautiful face.

"But then if we don't go out, I won't get to show you off and I would feel like I'm failing as a husband." I said as tears formed in my eyes. Y/n's eyes widened and she held my face in her hands.

"Honey, did you hear what you just said? If you want to show me off, post a picture on Instagram, and if you want to show me off, if that's your goal, then you are in no way failing as a husband. The fact that you want to show me off proves that you're not failing. You're an amazing husband in every way possible, please don't ever think otherwise." She said. I nodded and held her hand to my face, wanting to feel close to her.

"Okay. What do I do about the lyrics?" I asked. She thought for a moment.

"Take a break from it and maybe go back to it tomorrow. My love, don't forget that you're on a hiatus from music for a few years, so there's no rush." She said. I nodded.

"Okay. Should we look for my keys now?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yes, but first I want to give my amazing husband a kiss." She said. I smiled a real smile for the first time in quite a few hours, and then put my lips on hers. I felt my heart race as if I had just run a marathon, I felt butterflies erupt and fly around in my stomach, and I felt sparks shoot through me like fireworks. We pulled away and smiled at each other. We then looked for my keys, and my amazing wife found them - underneath a couch cushion - within five minutes. I love her.

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