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namjoon pov

i wake up and shut my alarm off. i yawn and grab my phone to see what time it is.

"shit!" i say while bolting up and towards the bathroom.

i have 4 minutes to get ready and out the door. how did i even sleep in that much? i put my contact lenses in and start beating my body with the foundation. i hate how i have to do this every morning, why can't they just change the law? i finish and throw on a hoodie and shorts before grabbing my bag and running out the door.

i get to school just before the bell rings and run to homeroom. i burst into the classroom and sit down next to seokjin.

"rough night?" he asks and i nod, yawning after sitting down.

not long after i arrive, the bell rings so we start walking to class with each other. as we're walking down the hall i see jungkook and as soon as he sees me he pulls me into the bathroom, locking the door after us.

"hyung your contacts," he says and i mentally slap myself, "didn't you double check if everything was ok?"

"i didn't have time kookie," i reply and fix my contacts and checking to see if anything else could give me away, "what would i do without you?"

"i don't know but we better get going," he states and i nod, thanking him again.

we part ways and i run to my class as i'm late for the second time today.

"sorry for being late sir," i apologise as i walk in and sit down.

"namjoon you good? you seem out of it today," jin asks when the teacher sets us off to do work.

"i'm fine hyung, i'm just a little tired that's all,"  i reply not very convincingly.

to be honest i'm not ok. today could've been my last day of freedom if it wasn't for jungkook all because i slept in.

"joon what's you opinion on moon children?" he asks out of the blue causing me to freeze. did he notice?

"o-oh um t-they're cool i guess. why do you ask?" i reply.

"my dad's reducing the amount of testing korea and other countries do to them. i think my message is getting across," he states with a hint of proudness in his voice.

"that's amazing! hopefully it can stop soon. w-they don't deserve to be treated like they are," i say and scold myself for almost outing my secret.

we do our work throughout the rest of the lesson with little to no conversation and before we know it, it's time for our second period.

we walk out of the class and see a large group of people. curiosity takes the best of us and we walk over to see what the commotion is about. we push our way to the front to see a crying jungkook with some of his foundation taken off.

"ENOUGH!" seokjin yells scaring everyone, "you are to leave this boy alone and if ANY of you report him to the government i swear i'll make you regret it. you are not to talk about him or tell anyone what he is got it?"

everyone nods and runs away leaving me, jin and a shaking jungkook.

"kookie come here," i say softly and he runs up to me. i pick him up and take him to the bathroom to reapply his foundation, "how did they find out? do you want to go home?"

"i-i don't know hyung. i guess there was a little bit of my skin that wasn't covered properly and they saw it," he replies and i nod while taking makeup wipes and the foundation out of my bag, "hyung my life's over. someone's going to report me and then i'll be sent to a lab and i'll die."

"i'll protect you but we have to let your family know. there's an ally in the government that helps protect you guys. i'll inform him and he'll speak with you and your family. you're not going to a lab ok?" seokjin says while helping me get the foundation off his body.

"hyung i want jimin hyung," he whispers and i nod.

i pull out my phone and text him.

namjoon hyung: emergency
meet bathroom near math

jiminie: hyung
what happened? is
everything ok?

namjoon hyung: no time
to explain just get here

i put my phone in my pocket turn my attention back to the boy in front of me. his crying has stopped but there's still tears in his eyes.

"jungkook take your contacts out," i say and he looks at me with fear.


"trust me kook you'll feel better. you need natural energy and for that you need everything off," i cut him off and he complies. once they're off his aura shines through.

"namjoon how do you know all of this?" seokjin asks, being amazed with how much i know.


i was cut off by a knock at the door. we all decided on a special knock so that of an emergency happens we know who it is.

i open the door and jimin bolts straight to his brother.

"kookie what happened? are you ok?" he asks and the boy in front shakes his head, tears forming in his eyes again.

"kook i think it's better if you go home, jimin maybe you should go too," i say and both boys nod.

"i'll call that ally i told you about, he's a nice guy, you'll like him a lot," seokjin adds and they nod.

"thank you for your help, i just wish we didn't have to do this all," jungkook says sadly.

jin pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls the guy he was talking about and hangs up after a while. he then beckons me out of the bathroom to leave the boys alone for a second and we sit down at the front of the door.

"joonie, how did you know what to do? and why did you have the foundation?" he asks with genuine curiosity.

i contemplate whether to tell him or not as we only really met yesterday. i trust him but being a moonchild is my best kept secret which i didn't plan on telling anyone until the testing stopped.

"joonie?" he asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"you'd hate me if you knew what i was," i answer quietly.

"i'm sure i wont baby," he replies and i blush at the pet name.

don't do it
don't do it
don't do it
don't do it
don't do it
fuck it

"i'm a moonchild too."

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