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"i need to tell you something," jin says softly while rubbing namjoon's back, "we might not be able to see each other again, at least not for a while anyway."

"what? why?" namjoon asks, fear evident in his voice.

"my dad is leaving the office and one of the candidates is against moon children. if he gets elected then he'll start the labs up again and stop travel from the moon. if it happens all moon children who are in korea will get sent to the labs no matter where they're from and it'll be easier to identify them because they've been known for over 3 years," jin replies and namjoon looks down, "baby i'm sorry."

"s-so i can't back e-ever?" namjoon whispers, voice breaking as he spoke, "i-i cant go back home?"

"not at the moment no," jin whispers back and rubs his back. namjoon looks down at his ring and fiddles with it, a tear hitting his finger as jin kisses the side of his head. he the news was horrible to him and he felt as if there wasn't any point anymore. it was almost as if his soul left his body, his eyes darker than they were before. he had lost the one thing that was keeping him going and that was hope, "baby."

"i-i'm s-sorry," namjoon whispers and leaves the room, tears falling down his face as he enters the bathroom and locks the door, sinking to the floor and crying his eyes out. jin runs after him and desperately tries to get him to come out but to no avail. if the president was elected, he'd lose his fiancé, his child, his true family, his friends and his home. the door unlocks and jin bursts in, holding his angel in his arms tightly as he calms down from not having enough tears to cry. he couldn't smile. his world was numb and dull.

"angel it's going to be ok," jin whispers and namjoon shakes his head, getting closer to jin.

"d-don't l-leave m-me," he mumbles sadly. jin has never heard anyone be so sad.

"i have to go baby, i don't have a choice," he whispers again and connects their lips, "i have a day left though angel, we'll just have to make the most of it huh?"

"w-what's the point hyung? i most likely can't ever see you again after this," namjoon asks defeatedly, "the one thing that made saying goodbye not so hard was the hope that i'd see you again soon but now there isn't any hope."


"i hate you so much sometimes you know hyung? i hate how i fell in love with you. i hate how handsome you are and how nice you are and how you're the sweetest person in the universe. i hate how you make those stupid dad jokes that make me fall in love all over again. i hate how much you care about me. i just hate it all because the more i fall in love with you each day the harder it is to be without you," namjoon cuts him off as jin holds his face in his hands, "i hate how good of a kisser you are that leaves me wanting more. i hate how i melt into your arms when you hold me. i hate how all of your hoodies are so big on me and remind me of you. i hate how good you smell. i hate everything hyung. it's all killing me."

"i know it is, i see it all and it breaks my heart and seeing you hurt kills me too. we both need each other to live and layla needs a dad but we'll find a way to you again. it'll just be harder than it is now," jin whispers as his own tears start to fall, looking into his dull, sad eyes, "i love you joon, i don't ever want you to forget that. you gotta stay strong for your people and yourself and you can't lose hope. we'll see each other again whether it's in 10 days or 10 years, we will be together again."

namjoon doesn't say anything and just puts his head in his neck, breathing in his scent as he didn't know when he could smell it again after today. namjoon's dad walks into the bathroom and frowns when he sees the couple on the floor. he knew namjoon would take the news hard but not this hard.

"joon-ah," he says softly and namjoon turns his head to the side, his lifeless eyes breaking his dad's heart. it only happens when a moonchild is severely heart broken and it happened to his mother, "you'll see them again, i promise you that."

"i don't wanna be king anymore," namjoon whispers and jin shakes his head.

"you can't give it up no-"

"n-no, g-gotta go b-back," he sniffs, "h-hyungie p-please."

"i can't let you come with me baby. as much as i want to your people need you and if you come back and the president is elected you'll get put in the labs. i'm not putting you through what you went through for so many years just to be with me. it's so much safer for you up here," jin explains, "i'm sorry but i can't let you. if it happens i'll do my best to get them up here but you have to stay."

"d-dad p-please l-let m-me g-go," namjoon begs as he crouches down. when a moonchild gets heart broken like this, they get so emotional and if it goes on too long then they can't get better and their eyes eventually turn completely black. he didn't want to lose his son like he lost his mother, he wasn't going to let it happen.

"baby i can't let you go now," he whispers and kisses the top of his head, "if it happens it's only for 5 years, he can't get re-elected. as soon as the new president is elected we'll open the travel route again and you'll be the first person down there."

he knew he wasn't going to win so he stayed quiet and he did so for the whole day, whimpering loudly when jin left his side. it goes way to quick for namjoon's liking and soon he needs to say goodbye for the last time. his tears fall as jin holds him close, people gathering around to witness the emotional goodbye that would change their king forever.

namjoon dried his tears as he watched the ship take off. he was alone and heartbroken and everyone knew that he'd never ever be the same namjoon they all loved.


it's done! i hope you enjoyed this story :). i honestly had no idea it'd blow up like it did and i'd like to thank everyone for all the love and support on this story 💜💜

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