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namjoon pov

we arrive back at the tree and everyone gasps when they see us. obviously being suprised that sand stormers were in our base.

"i'll explain, go see seokjin," jun whispers to me and i nod, walking over to the hospital. i walk into his room and he smiles.

"hey baby, how'd it go?" he asks while we kiss and i sit besides him.

"we won. there was about 30 left who never wanted this to happen, mainly kids. they're here now," i reply and he smiles, "this is layla by the way."

"wow, she's so beautiful," he coos while looking at her sleeping face against my body. we stay in silence for a while and i feel myself start to cry. he wipes my tears away with his thumb and kisses me, "what's wrong baby?"

"i-i have to g-go up s-soon," i whisper and he hugs me, "i-i don't wanna g-go."

"hey i know. i don't want you to go either. i want you to know that you going will not change our relationship ok? i'm still going to love you just as much as i love you right now," he says softly as he hugs me, "i'm getting out tomorrow."

"that's great hyung," i smile and we kiss again.

"get some rest joonie, you deserve it," he says and i nod, "i love you."

"i love you too hyung," i end up falling asleep with layla in my arms.

*time skip*

"jinnie stop! it tickles!" i hear a little voice giggle and i smile, opening my eyes to see jin tickling layla, "oh no! joonie woke up!"

"hey buttercup how did you sleep?" i ask and she gives me a thumbs up, "hello handsome."

"hey beautiful," he says back and we share a quick kiss, "i'm getting discharged in a couple of minutes."

"that's good! do you know if people are back on the street or not?" i ask and he nods.

"yup, everyone's either trying to find their families or just looking at the damage. there's an award ceremony on in 10 minutes for everyone that fought and died in the battle," he smiles and i nod kissing him again. a doctor walks in saying that he's free to go so we walk out of the hospital, holding layla's hands.

"joonie are you gonna get a medal?" she asks cutely.

"i don't know, maybe," i reply and she nods. we enter the elevator and exit to see a crowd of people. jun see's us and brings us over.

"you're just in time, it's about to start," he whispers with a smile as he seats us on the stage. the ceremony starts with commemorating everyone that died in battle. we then move onto awards. basically everyone got 1 apart from me which people were confused by, "now this last award is for someone extremely special. someone who's touched the heart of so many. someone who we wouldn't be here without. this person is sadly leaving us soon. he's kind, extremely caring and decided to give sand stormers a second chance. so please, give a round of applause to kim namjoon."

i walk up to him and he puts a medal over my neck, hugging me after it's over my neck. i smile at him and he hugs me again.

"i'm not gonna make you do a speech but i just wanted to say some thing. you've become a great friend over these last weeks and im grateful to have met you. i'm sad thar you're leaving but i know that you'll be an amazing king. the moon children are so lucky to be able to have someone like you as their king and i wish you luck with everything you'll do," he finishes and hugs me again. i walk back to my seat and seokjin hugs me, kissing me as we pull away. the ceremony ends and we go find our families. we look around the crowd and i see a glow. jungkook. i run up to him and hug him.

"hey kookie," i whisper and he turns around so he can hug me back. we pull away and i look into his eyes.

"i missed you hyung," he mumbles and i hug him again.

"i missed you too," i reply and he pulls away to hug seokjin.

"i missed you as well hyung," he says as he hugs jin.

"i missed you too kook," he replies while wrapping his arms around him. we suddenly see everyone else and they engolf us both in a group hug. they ask us how we are and say that they're glad we're still alive. we decide to go back to the house to eat and spend my last days with the people i love. we all sit down and i receive a call from an unknown number.

"hello?" i say as i answer and i'm met by someone talking in the native language of a moonchild.

"hello prince namjoon. i'm ringing to inform you that we're getting you in 2 days."

"i'm sorry but i can't go."

"you have to your highness. your people need you," he pleads and i look around. everyone has surrounded me.

"i-i can't. i'm sorry but i really can't. i have a life here on earth. is there anyone who can take my place?"

"no it has to be you. we're sorry that you have to leave your life behind but you won't be completely shut off from them. you can even visit them when you have to go back for business."

"i'll go on one condition."

"and what's that?"

"you help fix earth."

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