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jin pov

"of course."

as soon as he says that a huge smile appears on my face. the beautiful boy that i've had a crush on for so many years is now mine. he returns the smile showing his adorable dimple and i attack him with kisses and tickle him.

"h-hyung s-stop," he pleas in between laughs that are music to my ears.

i comply and look into his eyes. they're so beautiful and unique. i could get lost in them forever. he ends up blushing and hides his face in my neck. i coax it out and we share another kiss.

"i'm hungry," he complains when we pull away.

"i am too," i reply and stand up. i go to help namjoon up but as soon as he puts pressure on his leg, he winces and i stop, "i'm giving you a piggyback."

"but hyung i-"

"no buts joonie," i cut him off while putting him on my back.

we walk inside and namjoon's mum comes running up to us. she hugs us both and makes sure namjoon is ok.

"are you ok bub? i was so worried," she asks and starts to cry.

"don't cry mum i'm ok," he replies and she leads us over to the table.

i put namjoon down in a chair and sit next to him. we start to eat when namjoon's parents call me out of the room. we look at each other before i stand up and walk over to the adults.

"what's up?" i ask.

"we just want to know if you're ok. what happened today hit you the hardest than it did anyone else and we're worried about you. we also want to thank you for saving his life, if anymore sun crystal touched him, he wouldn't be here right now," mrs kim says and hugs me.

"it's ok and i think i'll be ok too. thank you for the concern. you've raised someone amazing by the way," i reply.

"thank you, we've also done some thinking and we think that we'll let you and namjoon be together. you make each other complete and happy and it'd be wrong for us to keep you away from each other," mr kim says and i hug him, "before he went back into the school, he told me that he felt sad without you with him and you filled the void in his heart that he's always had."

"really? i feel the same," i reply as we pull apart.

"yeah, i guess the stars aligned. go back to eating jin and thank you again," he says and i comply.

"what did they want to talk about?" namjoon asks as i sit down.

"they just wanted to see if i was alright and to thank me, that's all," i reply and he nods.

we eat in silence and i take our plates up once we're done. when i return to namjoon, my phone rings and i groan at the contact name.

"hey dad, what's up?" i ask.

"son if you're staying there again you have to come home and get some things, you can't wear the same thing every day," he replies.

"ok i'll be there soon," i say and hang up.

"what was that about?" namjoon asks as i pick him up.

"i have to go get some clothes but i'll be back soon ok?" i say as i set him on the couch.

"promise?" he asks and holds out his pinkie.

"promise," i reply as i link our pinkies.

we share a kiss before i leave the house and start walking to mine. i get about half way there when i see a group of people out of the corner of my eye. i look over to see a bunch of moon children running away with andre.

"andre what's going on?" i ask.

"i just committed the biggest crime in history," he says between breaths, "i broke them out."

"where are they gonna go?" i ask worriedly, "they don't ha-"

"they do. they have families that miss them dearly. they're going back to them and they're being given a bunch of the foundation namjoon and jungkook use. he's given us the formula so we can mass produce it and they'll never run out," he explains.

suddenly a siren rings and he runs off with the remaining moon children. i decide to help the kids get home. they're all incredibly skinny and they all look exhausted, like they haven't been outside in years which is probably about right.

"thank you so much," a kid around the age of 6 says as i drop him off.

"it's ok kid. get inside and stay hidden until you get the package got it?" i ask and he nods.

i give him a high-five before he closes the door and i run to help another moonchild. after andre and i are finished dropping off all the moon children, we meet up on my street.

"the DNA results have come back. namjoon can start living a normal life as soon as your father has seen the report," andre says and i hug him.

"thank you so much andre. this means so much," i reply and he smiles.

"it's ok bro, he deserves it. i heard what happened to him today, is he ok?" andre asks and i nod.

"he's ok but he can't put pressure on his leg," i reply and he nods.

he drops me off at home and we say goodbye to each other before i enter the house, only to be met by my step mother and my dad at the table.

"hey what's going on?" i ask.

"they got out son and that means you're not leaving," dad replies with a sigh, "they're too dangerous."

"i thought you were coming around. they're amazing dad. i thought you were finally seeing that," i say, my voice starting to crack.

"seokjin just listen to your father for once," the woman says, obviously annoyed by my presence.

"you're not my mother and you never will be. you need to stop feeding ideas to him that moon children are bad when they're not," i snap, making my dad stand up.

"how would you know son? tell me how you'd know," he asks in a voice that scares me.

"i could ask you the same thing dad," i reply.

"just answer the question."

"i knew one."

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