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jin pov

i wake up to an empty bed and frown as i don't get to see the beautiful face of my boyfriend. i sit up and the smell of pancakes fills my nose. delicious. i get out of bed and stretch before heading downstairs to see namjoon struggling to flip a pancake. i smile and go behind him, helping him flip the pancake.

"hyung," he whines, "go back to bed. i wanted to make you breakfast in bed."

"you can still make me breakfast, thank you for doing this baby," i reply, kissing the pout that had situated itself onto his lips away.

"but hyung, it's not as meaningful," he argues as i hug him.

"anything is meaningful if it comes from you baby," i say and he hides his head in my neck.

we pull away after sharing a kiss and he brings 3 plates over to the table. one full of pancakes and 2 empty. he grabs some and starts eating while i put syrup on them. we eat in silence until there isn't any left.

"thank you joonie, this breakfast was really nice," i say and he blushes.

"t-thank you hyung, i'm glad you liked it," he replies shyly and i smile.

"what's the time?" i ask and he shrugs, pulling out his phone.

"11:25am," he replies and i start to panic as we're extremely late to school, "don't worry hyung, i got us the day off."

"ugh you're an angel," i say while attacking his neck with kisses, causing him to laugh.

we leave the table and go to the couch to cuddle and watch movies for the whole day, a perfect day.

*time skip*

namjoon pov

the whole day had been spent cuddling and watching movies, a perfect day. we hadn't gotten up in ours. that was until we heard a knock on the door and i tense up, instinctively getting up to go up the stairs.

"baby you don't have to do that anymore," seokjin says softly before i reach the stairs and i freeze.

"s-sorry hyung it's just instinct at this point," i reply and he kisses me.

"hey don't be sorry joonie. you've been doing it your whole life," he says and i smile, sitting back on the couch as he answers the door.

"hey jin how are you?" a man asks.

"i'm great andre how 'bout you?" he replies.

"same. hey is namjoon home? i want to help him with any struggles he might have now that he doesn't have to cover up," andre asks and jin lets him in.

"joonie is it ok if andre talks to you?" he asks.

"y-y-yes h-hyung o-of course," i reply and mentally slap myself for stuttering. he smiles at me before leading andre into the room as i hug my knees.

"hey namjoon how are you?" he asks softly.

"i-i-i'm o-o-ok," i answer, feeling as if i could cry as i wasn't prepared to talk to anyone today. last night was different because i had time in the car to mentally prepare myself. with this interaction, i had no time.

"my name's andre as you probably already know and i just came here today to ask if there was anything you wanted help with since you're able to go outside normally now," he says as seokjin sits next to me to comfort me.

"i-i um," i begin but stop as i feel awkward and don't really know what to say.

"take your time baby," jin says with a warm smile on his face.

"w-well i guess i need help with t-talking to new p-people," i whisper quietly but luckily they both heard it.

"ok then, let's start there,"

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