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"how has your week been?" president doyoon asks as they were the only people in the meeting room.

"it's been great, it's a shame i have to go home again today," namjoon replies with a small smile as he rubs his back, "i'm sure i'll be back soon though."

"jin was so upset when he came back," he says after a while, scratching the back of his neck, "he wasn't the same and still wasn't until
you came back. i'm scared for both of you namjoon-ah, i only want the best for you both. hopefully after this meeting you'll be able to see each other more often."

"don't tell anyone but as soon as i know that my people will be ok, i'm giving the throne up and coming back for good. i cant stay up there forever and although being king is amazing, it's not for me," namjoon explains and looks at the president, "i don't know how to tell anyone though. i've been dubbed the best king the moon has ever had and it'd break so many people's hearts."

"you wanna know what i think?" doyoon asks and namjoon nods, "i think that you leaving everything behind to rule their planet is more than enough for them because a lot of people wouldn't have done that. i think that they think you're amazing because you wanted to leave your home in the best condition possible before taking the throne and i think they think that everything you've done for the moon is something they'll forever be grateful for. you've become a role model for so many young people all around the universe and if you give up the throne, it teaches them that you gotta follow your heart sometimes."

"thank you mr kim," namjoon whispers and hugs him tightly, pulling away when there's a knock on the door.

"sir, they've arrived," doyoon's assistant says and they take their seats, all the world leaders piling in. most of them glare at namjoon as they still weren't ok with moon children but he was protected under international law and so were his people, they couldn't hurt him.

"well if you want to do it in the uk i want them out of my country and back on the moon," the uk prime minister sighs and a couple other world leaders nod too.

"we're working on it sir but we can only take it one step at a time. there's millions of moon children on earth and even then, they probably don't want to leave because this is their home, they know nothing different," namjoon explains and doyoon nods in agreement.

"namjoon's right. it's not as simple as reuniting a moonchild with their biological family. they have lived here all their lives and their families here are the only family they've ever known," he adds.

"it wasn't so hard for you though was it your highness?" the prime minister asks again and namjoon shakes his head.

"every day i wish i was back down here with my family. if course i love my little brother but my biological parents and i don't have a bond and we never will do as heart breaking as it is. it's like someone who was adopted reuniting with their biological parents, it's not the same love a child and a parent shares normally. i didn't have a choice though and being able to freely travel to the moon will give these families a choice. it'll also be beneficial for not only the moon but for all of your countries as more people would be coming for tourism and trade would be easier too," namjoon replies. most countries decide to go with it while some are still hesitant.

"say yes, it'll mean a lot to a lot of people," doyoon says, "this could be the best thing to ever happen to this planet and it opens so many doors but for those doors to be opened, everyone has to be in."

this pushes the last couple of countries over the edge and namjoon could scream he was so happy. he keeps his composure though and they continue the meeting, namjoon thanking everyone when it's done. his first ever meeting as king was a success and he was so happy.

"they'll be coming back from japan soon," doyoon smiles as he checks the time. jin and taehyung decided to take a day trip to tokyo disney for dowoon and layla as neither had been before and no one knew when dowoon would be back next. jin promised to take tons of pictures since namjoon felt bad for not coming even though they reassured him that it was fine.

"i hope he had fun this week," namjoon sighs, "he might not be able to come back."

"really? how come?" doyoon asks and namjoon sighs.

"they're very protective over him because sending me here was their biggest regret. at the time they thought it was for the best but as soon as they did it, they realised they should've kept me but it was too late," he replies. they get a text from jin that they're on their way back to the house and namjoon frowns softly as it means he has to leave again. they decide to head home for namjoon to start packing again, "a year ago, i never could've imagined any of this happening."

"you've come a long way," doyoon smiles as they park and get out.

although so many things have changed in such a short time, namjoon was at peace with it all.


there's only 6 chapters left...

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