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jin pov

"ok then, let's start there," andre says with a warm smile on his face, trying to make namjoon as comfortable as possible which works as you can see him physically relax, "ok so, i want you to think about what goes on in your head when you're talking to new people, use me for example, what went on in your head when you were about to talk to me, when you were talking to me and after you spoke to me for the first time?"

he stops and thinks for a second and i see him tense up. i wrap my arm around him to comfort him but it doesn't seem to work, breathing becoming shorter.

"h-h-hyung c-can i t-talk t-t-to y-you a-a-alone?" he asks in a barely audible voice.

"of course baby," i reply and we exit the room. i close the door and he starts to cry into my shoulder, "hey baby, it's ok, you're doing so well. i know it's hard but you're doing so well. i'm so proud of you."

"i-i just wish it could be easy," he sobs and i hold him tighter, wanting to take his pain away.

"we'll get there i promise you, it just takes time," i say and kiss his head.

"i f-feel vulnerable w-without the f-foundation," he whispers and i wipe some tears from his beautiful face.

"would it help if you put it on and slowly worked to getting you more comfortable with having it off?" i ask and he nods.

"w-what about andre? w-will he be ok with it?" he asks worriedly.

"of course love, we just want you to be happy and comfortable with who you are so anything that could or would help we'll do," i reply and he relaxes after he hears that, "do you want me to go grab some water and your stuff?"

he nods and we share a kiss before i place him on a couch and exit the room, making a bee line to the kitchen. after i have his water, i go back to the study and give it to him before leaving for the second one.

"hey seokjin, how is he?" andre asks worriedly.

"he feels vulnerable without the foundation so we're thinking maybe we could slowly work with him until he doesn't need it anymore," i reply and his eyes fill with guilt.

"i should of known he'd feel like that, god i'm stupid sometimes," he scolds himself and i hug him.

"bro you didn't think and that's ok," i say and he thanks me.

i leave him and go up the stairs into namjoon's bathroom. i grab his foundation and his contact lenses. i walk back down and into the study to find him on his phone.

"hey babe i got the things," i say and he looks up at me, smiling slightly.

"thank you," he says as he takes everything from me, "i'm sorry for being a pai-"

"hey don't apologise. it's not your fault ok? you have nothing to be sorry for," i cut him off and he kisses me.

he puts his contacts in and then starts putting the foundation on. once he's finished, i grab his hand and we walk out together. i squeeze his hand slightly to let him know that everything will be ok. we sit down and it's quite for a while.

"scared, that's how i felt."

moonchild // namjinWhere stories live. Discover now