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"we're almost there!" dowoon gasps as he looks through the window.

"come sit down bud, we're landing soon," namjoon smiles and helps him buckle up, they prepare for landing and as soon as they touch the ground, they unbuckle their seatbelts and grab their suitcases, "let's go bud, we gotta walk because no one knows we're here."

"ok!" he replies and they walk out, both of them wearing masks as they'd be recognised if they didn't and that was the last thing namjoon wanted. it felt so good to be home and he wanted to hurry and get back to see his family. they get home in 20 minutes and he knocks on the door, squeezing his brothers hand softly to reassure him. namjoon opens it and gasps, eyes filling with tears as he sees his boyfriend.

"joon," he whispers and hugs him tightly, "i missed you so much!"

"hyung!" taehyung yells and runs to his brother as jin picks dowoon up and kisses his cheek.

"oh my gosh," his mum whispers with tears falling down her face, going to her son and cupping his face, "you look amazing."

"thank you mum," namjoon laughs and wipes his tears away, "i missed you guys."

"we missed you too," she says with a smile and let's both of them in, "and you must be dowoon! it's lovely to meet you."

it's nice to meet you too," he smiles and jin and namjoon share a kiss.

"i'll go get the girl," jin whispers and namjoon gasps softly as he hadn't seen layla in so long. they sit on the couch catching up and telling them everything he's done as king so far.

"hyung i don't think you understand just how many people watched your coronation," taehyung says, "basically the whole world watched it and people still talk about it like it happened yesterday."

"really?" namjoon asks in shock and he nods, "wow."

"ever since you left it's been so peaceful and even before you left, as soon as you made that deal it's been amazing," namjoon's mum smiles, "all wat has stopped and everyone lives in harmony, you saved the planet."

"they want to do commercial flights to the moon too," taehyung adds and namjoon nods.

"thats why i'm here," namjoon explains and they both nod, "so what's happened here?"

"nothing really. sejin and jackson moves out not too long after you left since they wanted to get their own place and jin practically lives here now," she replies.

"jungkook got bullied again after you left," taehyung says and namjoon gasps.

"you're kidding," he says in disbelief and he shakes his head.

"he took you leaving really hard. he couldn't leave the house for a couple of months," taehyung explains, "he's better now though but he's still very anxious. i think seeing you will mean a lot to him."

"daddy!" layla gasps softly as she rubs into namjoon's arms, the latter picking his baby girl up and kissing her cheek.

"hi angel, you've grown up so much!" namjoon exclaims and she giggles softly, "there's someone here who you really wanted to meet."

"dowoon oppa?" she asks with her head tilted and gasps when he nods.

"will you keep him company while daddy's in his meeting?" namjoon asks and she nods, namjoon kissing her forehead as dowoon comes back, from the bathroom, hugging layla when he sees her. she takes him upstairs to play and jin sits next to his boyfriend, namjoon cuddling into him immediately.

"kookie and jimin hyung are on their way and dad will be home soon," taehyung smiles, "dad's in the awkward stages of growing a beard so he looks a bit weird."

"didn't he say he hated beards?" namjoon laughs and taehyung nods, getting up as the door is knocked. he lets jimin and jungkook in and jungkook starts to cry when he sees namjoon, he freezes and namjoon walks up to him, engulfing him in a tight hug as he sobs into namjoon's shoulder, "i missed you, i'm sorry for leaving you."

"i-it's o-ok," jungkook smiles and wipes his tears away, looking at his hyung's face with a smile, "jeez you got hotter."

"i did?" namjoon chuckles and all of them nod.

"it's like as soon as you go to the moon you get 40x hotter," jimin says and hugs him, namjoon blushing softly. the friends catch up until they have to leave, promising namjoon that they'd visit tomorrow.

everything was good again and namjoon couldn't wait to see his dad again.

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