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namjoon pov

"hey i just realized that we never went on that date. do you wanna do it today?" jin asks as we walk downstairs for breakfast.

"ok," i reply, "what time?"

"6 sound ok?"

"yeah," i say, biting into my toast, "do you have to go?"

"sadly yes. something happened to yoongi yesterday and i want to make sure he's ok," he replies and i start to worry.

"what happened? is he ok? i-is he hurt?" i ask and he shushes me.

"joonie he's fine. i think he's a little stressed out on where he's going to end up," he replies but before i can ask what he means he talks again, "his mum and my dad are in the process of getting divorced. i highly doubt that he'll kick him out as he loves yoongi too much but if he did, he wouldn't hear the end of it from me."

"it's good that he's ok. i hope he gets to stay," i say while looking down, "let me know what happens?"

"of course baby, i have to go now. i love you," he replies while kissing me and pulling me into a hug that i never want to let go of.

"i love you too hyung, i'll walk you out," i grab his hand we walk towards the door. we say goodbye to each other again and i watch him drive off, feeling a little sad, "now what?"

i sit down on the couch and watch tv to pass the time, feeling border and border by the minute. 6 o'clock couldn't come quicker.

jin pov

i pull up to my house and walk in to be met with the young couple at the table with my dad, eating breakfast.

"hey guys," i say while taking my shoes off.

"hey jin, how was your week?" dad asks, only seeing me a couple of times throughout the time i was away.

"it was good," i reply, "how was your's?"

"fine. do you want to do something tomorrow? just the two of us? we haven't really spent time with each other over the years and i miss the relationship we used to share," he says and it shocks me. the only times we've really spoken over the last 4 years have been arguments about how we feel about moon children.

"u-um yeah, ok," i reply and sit down, "i found out that sejun lived."

"really? that's great news! i'm sor-"

"it's fine dad, you didn't know. he was the moonchild that got left in toxic waste for 5 hours at a young age. why did that story hit you so hard when it happened?" i ask and he frowns.

"i don't know. i guess it's because he was so young. i made the law no one under 15 for the soul reason that i was afraid that they'd die. deep down i wish i could've stopped the testings but it was an international law that made me do it. it corrupted me. almost all the countries have stopped the testings and are providing support to the moon children and their families," he replies and my head perks up.

"y-you care about them? i-i thought-"

"i did it to save our country from war. the things that happened in other countries is far worse than the things that happened here. russia was the worst. australia and canada were the kindest and did hardly anything to them. it was honestly just a boarding school for moon children and they could roam the streets freely. they still had to have 'labs' but those 'labs' were just to see if they could get allergies like we do," he explains and i nod, feeling sorry for him, "i-i'm sorry for the things i did."

"i-it's ok, you had no choice," i say and he hugs me, "i understand why you did it."

"thank you son, i love you," he whispers and i smile. it's something i haven't heard in a while, "and i'm so proud of you."

"i-i love you too dad."

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